Designation of electrical elements on schematics

To understand what exactly is drawn on a schematic or drawing, you need to know the decoding of the icons used. This is called reading drawings. However, the…

Hidden wiring detector (indicator)

During renovation, remodeling, or even when you need to drill a hole in the wall, it is desirable to make sure that there is no wiring, fittings or…

Технічні характеристики силового кабелю ВВГ

Today it is almost impossible to live without electricity. More and more we depend on the availability of electricity, so power grids accompany us everywhere – at enterprises,…

Відкрита проводка в стилі ретро

Some time ago, this is how wiring was done – insulators were nailed to the wall and twisted wires were attached to them. Then came the fashion for…

Вибір номіналу захисного автоматичного вимикача

When assembling an electrical panel or connecting a new large household appliances, a home handyman will certainly face such a problem as the need to select circuit breakers….

Самостійне підключення духовки

When buying a built-in oven, sellers recommend entrusting the connection of the equipment to professionals. But this service, even in the presence of normal wiring costs about 1500…

Lighting of the area near the house, dacha

Without lighting on the plot near the house can not do without. Even at a dacha far away from home, at least minimal lighting, but there should be….

Replacing an electricity meter in an apartment: who pays

In recent years, replacing the electricity meter has become more and more often a necessity. Many people want to install meters that can count electricity separately at different…

Як підключити магнітний пускач

Contactors or magnetic starters are used to supply power to motors or any other devices. Devices designed for frequent switching on and off of power. The wiring diagram…

Пайка проводів паяльником: як правильно це робити

One of the most reliable ways to connect wires is soldering. This is a process in which the space between two conductors is filled with molten solder. The…
