In the 21st century, aluminum radiators have gained popularity in Russia: they are installed both by developers and apartment owners, old cast-iron radiators are replaced with them. Some of the best quality aluminum radiators are European devices, the most famous of them are Global radiators.
Global radiators have been manufactured in Italy since 1971. For half a century the company has grown from a small workshop with manual assembly to a large factory, where the process of manufacturing devices is fully automated.
The brand came to Russia in 1994. Today Global products are also sold throughout Europe, CIS and other countries.
Advantages of Global aluminum radiators
The peculiarity of Global batteries lies in the production process:
- It is automated, which means that the human factor and the percentage of defects tend to zero.
- A special aluminum alloy EN AB.44100, which is 80% pure aluminum, is used to manufacture radiators. The composition of the metal and the exact proportions of the alloy are important because the strength of the final product depends on it. Before launching a new alloy, the plant specialists repeatedly check the chemical composition to ensure its quality.
- Global radiators are made by injection molding, so they have high strength, resistant to pressure fluctuations in the heating system and water hammer.
- The design of Global aluminum radiators allows to achieve maximum heat transfer. On the one hand, the side lamellae of the sections increase the usable area of the device, due to which it emits more heat. On the other hand, the upper ends of the sections are designed in such a way that warm air is distributed both vertically upwards to block cold from the window and at an angle to the center of the room for even heating.
- The process of painting radiators is also different from many other production facilities. Only the preparation for painting takes place in 4 stages, during which the device undergoes several stages of surface treatment so that the paint lays down well and for a long time. The painting process itself takes place in two stages. First, the anaphoresis method is used: the radiator is immersed in a bath of paint. After spraying the second layer of paint is applied. In this way, the device is evenly and qualitatively painted, thus reducing the possibility of rust formation.
- In the production process, each batch of radiators undergoes a multi-stage inspection to eliminate defects.
Thus, from the conveyor belt come out quality aluminum radiators.
The production process of radiators Global at the factory in Italy
Jämförelse med kinesiska radiatorer
On the Russian market there are many heating devices manufactured in China, which are very cheap, and the consumer has a natural question: what is the difference and is there any point in buying European devices? The answer lies in the quality.
First, it is important to pay attention to the heat output of the device. Often when comparing the technical characteristics, it turns out that the performance of cheap Chinese radiator is much lower than the quality of European radiator. For example, the heat output of one section of the device from China can be 150 W, and sometimes 110-120 W, and the aluminum radiators Global – 195 W. Because of the low heat output, consumers who choose Chinese radiators will have to buy more sections to warm up the room. As a result, the savings come to naught.
Secondly, even if you buy a Chinese device with good heat output, there is a chance that it will not last long. In an attempt to save money, some manufacturers use low-quality raw materials, for example, instead of a special alloy, they buy recycled aluminum, which is made from waste in the form of old car rims, aluminum cans and other garbage. Radiators made of such metal are not reliable and last no more than 7-8 years. Whereas the working life of quality devices is more than 10 years, and Global aluminum radiators – more than 20 years.
The advantages of Global radiators over Chinese radiators are recognized by experts and practicing installers.
The quality of Global aluminum radiators is confirmed by numerous international and Russian certificates. In particular, the brand’s products have quality certificates of the Politecnico di Milano, and also passed tests in special laboratories for compliance with the Russian GOST 31311-2005 “Heating devices. General technical conditions”.
The company is so confident in the quality of its products that it gives a 10-year warranty on aluminum radiators. In addition, the devices are insured. This means that if the consumer gets a defective radiator, the insurance company will compensate him for the cost of the radiator itself and the amount of damage it may have caused, for example, the cost of repairs due to leaks.
Model range of aluminum radiators Global
All Global aluminum radiators are suitable for heating systems in which the pH value of the coolant is 6-8.5 points.
The most popular models of aluminum radiators on the Russian market are Global Vox and Global Iseo.
Global Vox
Classic aluminum radiator of the brand.
- Djup på sektionerna: 95 mm.
- Weight of a section of a standard device with an inter-axial distance of 500 mm: 1.45 kg.
- Temperatur på värmemediet: upp till 110 °C.
- Heat output of a standard unit with a center distance of 500 mm: up to 195 W.
- Operating pressure: 16 atmospheres.
- Pressurizing pressure: 24 atmospheres.
- Bursting pressure: 48 atmospheres.
- Dimensions: 350 mm to 800 mm (center distance).
This model has a Global Vox Extra version with a reduced section height.
Global Iseo
Another popular variant of aluminum radiator.
- Djup på sektionerna: 80 mm.
- Weight of a section of a standard device with an interaxial distance of 500 mm: 1.31 kg.
- Temperatur på värmemediet: upp till 110 °C.
- Heat output of a standard unit with a center distance of 500 mm: up to 184 W.
- Operating pressure: 16 atmospheres.
- Pressurizing pressure: 24 atmospheres.
- Bursting pressure: 48 atmospheres.
- Dimensions: 350 mm to 800 mm (center distance).
In addition, there are other models in the brand’s lineup that differ in design, dimensions and technical characteristics. For example, Global Mix and Global VIP radiators have a more austere and laconic design, and Global Oscar also has a different size grid.
Global Mix
The model has one of the smallest dimensions.
- Djup på sektionerna: 95 mm.
- Weight of a section of a standard unit with a center distance of 500 mm: 1.61 kg.
- Temperatur på värmemediet: upp till 110 °C.
- Heat output of a standard unit with a center distance of 500 mm: up to 195 W.
- Operating pressure: 16 atmospheres.
- Pressurizing pressure: 24 atmospheres.
- Bursting pressure: 48 atmospheres.
- Dimensions: 300 mm to 800 mm (center distance).
Global VIP
Distinguished by rectangular shapes.
- Djup på sektionerna: 95 mm.
- Weight of a section of a standard device with an inter-axial distance of 500 mm: 1.62 kg.
- Temperatur på värmemediet: upp till 110 °C.
- Heat output of a standard unit with a center distance of 500 mm: up to 195 W.
- Operating pressure: 16 atmospheres.
- Pressurizing pressure: 24 atmospheres.
- Bursting pressure: 48 atmospheres.
- Dimensions: 300 mm to 800 mm (center distance).
Global Oscar
A line of tall aluminum radiators.
- Djup på sektionerna: 95 mm.
- Weight of a section of a standard device with center distance of 1000 mm: 2.05 kg.
- Temperatur på värmemediet: upp till 110 °C.
- Heat output of a standard unit with a center distance of 500 mm: up to 300 W.
- Operating pressure: 16 atmospheres.
- Pressurizing pressure: 24 atmospheres.
- Bursting pressure: 48 atmospheres.
- Dimensions: 900 mm to 2000 mm (center distance).
5 advantages of Global aluminum radiators
- Good heat output up to 195 W per section.
- High working pressure up to 16 atmospheres.
- Competent design, allowing even heating of the room.
- Service life up to 20 years.
- 10 years warranty.