Sistem de protecție împotriva scurgerilor Aquastorozh

Damage to the plumbing while the owners are away is everyone’s worst dream. To avoid a flood in your apartment or house, you can install leak protection equipment….

Sistemul antiinundații Neptune: caracteristici, avantaje, dezavantaje

Leaving a house or apartment unattended, even for a short time, is a risk: there are too many engineering systems in our home that can cause significant damage…

Sistem de protecție împotriva scurgerilor de apă Hydrolok

When we leave the apartment for a long time, we close the cold and hot water taps to protect ourselves from a flood in our absence. But going…

TITANOF (Titan) filtru de apă din titan - mit sau realitate?

Water purification is one of the most important tasks of modern man. The success of the solution directly affects our health and well-being. It is cleaned by means…

Supapă de reținere a apei

In order for modern household appliances to work and for the faucet and shower to have a normal pressure, it is necessary to create a certain level of…

Sisteme de protecție împotriva scurgerilor de apă Neptun Smart și Neptun Smart +

On the pages of this website we have already described some similar systems that protect against water gusts, such as Hydrolok and Akvastorozh. There was also a review…

Neptun Smart Tuya - protecție împotriva scurgerilor pentru casa inteligentă

We have previously written about flood protection products, including the Neptune system. The last publication was a review of the Neptune Smart Plus model, which allows you to…

What is water hardness, its classification, how to determine hardness and ways to soften it

Water hardness is one of the most important criteria determining its consumer properties. Forming insoluble mineral deposits on the inner surface of electrical appliances and industrial equipment, it…

Ce trebuie să faceți dacă v-ați inundat vecinii de la parter: ordinea acțiunilor

Flooding of the apartment of neighbors on the ground floor is one of the most common incidents in apartment buildings. However, not always the participants of such events…

Water filters for dacha water from well and well, which one to choose

The choice of specialized equipment is not difficult at first glance. Rash decisions without preliminary preparation of the project provoke unforeseen large costs during installation and in the…
