Cum să schimbați robinetul de bucătărie

Kitchen taps need to be replaced from time to time. They are operated in a harsh mode, they are exposed to a large amount of cleaning agents, which…

Cum să instalați singur mașina de spălat vase

Dishwashers are installed in the kitchen, close to the sink. This is not for nothing. In this case, the connection of the dishwasher is the easiest – the…

Ce mixer să alegeți pentru bucătărie

Kitchen equipment is used in the toughest mode, 2-3 times more intensively than anything else in the house. Therefore, the quality requirements come first. To successfully choose a…

Iluminarea bucătăriei: cum să o faci corect

Traditionally in our country, the kitchen is not only a place where food is cooked, but also a place for eating and private gatherings. Therefore, lighting in the…

Materiale de finisare pentru pereți de bucătărie - alegerea celei mai bune opțiuni

The main thing in the renovation is the finishing of the walls in the kitchen. It is necessary to choose finishing materials practical and beautiful, and it is…

Instalarea și conectarea hotei de bucătărie

In order to have fresh and clean air in the apartment or house, the kitchen must be very well ventilated. With the task of timely removal of odors…

Alegerea unei hote de bucătărie

In the kitchen, you need to quickly remove the cooking odors, fumes and soot that are generated in the process. The most productive way is to install a…

Cum și ce culoare să picteze bucătăria

To decorate the walls are most often used two types of finishing materials – wallpaper and paint. And paint, which once lost its popularity, is gaining it again….

Acoperire podea bucătărie

One of the important tasks when planning a renovation is to choose the flooring for the kitchen. This is important not only from an aesthetic point of view,…

Instrucțiuni pentru asamblarea bucătăriei

Kitchen furniture from the workshop or factory comes disassembled. You can entrust the assembly to specialists, but there are few who can do better than the owner. Only…
