Como escolher uma estação de bombeamento para sua casa e casa de veraneio

A domestic pumping station is equipment for automated water supply to a private house. It can supply water from any source: well, borehole, central water supply or river….

Poço de água com suas próprias mãos: tecnologias de perfuração manual

For normal life support, there must be water in the house or dacha at all times. The most common sources are a well or a borehole. Preferably –…

Como cavar um poço na dacha, perto da casa

Even if the house has a centralized water supply, a well will not be superfluous: it is too expensive to water the vegetable garden or flowerbeds with water…

Instalação de aquecedor de água com suas próprias mãos foto + vídeo

Buying a water heater is not everything. It still needs to be installed and then connected. And connect it to both the water supply and electricity. How to…

Decoração de poço: casa de poço (aberta e fechada)

A well at the dacha, and sometimes near the house, is a necessary thing. But just a concrete ring sticking out of the ground with a cover is…

Bomba para aumentar a pressão da água na casa de veraneio

Often the existing water supply system in a summerhouse is under-pressurized. This is a common phenomenon if the system is based on a storage tank and flows into…

Como levar água de um poço ou furo para dentro de casa

Water supply of a private house is most often made from a well or borehole. Pumps are used for automatic supply. The type and capacity of the pump…

Como não congelar o abastecimento de água na dacha

Winter plumbing in the dacha with your own hands can be done in two ways: bury it so that it does not freeze (below the frost depth); to…

Como fazer uma tubulação de água na dacha: escolha de tubos, esquema, método de colocação

The requirements for water supply at the dacha are not lower than in urban apartments, but higher: it is necessary to ensure supply not only to taps and…

Como purificar a água de um poço: filtros e métodos populares

If the water comes into the house from a well, it may contain various impurities such as sand, clay, iron, manganese, nitrates and bacteria. Special equipment such as…

pt_BRPortuguese (Brazil)