


  • まずそのため、ボイラーとポンプをフル稼働させても部屋の温度が上がらず、システムが負荷に対応できない可能性がある。
  • 次に循環ポンプは可能性の限界で働くため、消耗が早く、故障する可能性がある。


Thermagent product line








  • 壁、天井、床の材質、熱伝導性、熱容量;
  • 特定の地域の気候の特徴、年間平均気温;
  • 設置するラジエーターの数とその特性;
  • パイプ内の熱損失;
  • 必要な室温など



自律型暖房システムでは、蒸留水または特殊な不凍液であるサーマジェントを使用することがほとんどです。最初の選択肢は、予算を節約することができますが、水はすぐに外部物質で汚染され、内部堆積物の形成を引き起こし、腐食の発生を促進します。水の熱容量は4200 J/kg-Kで、この指標では水は他のどの液体よりも優れています。サーマジェントなどの加熱凍結防止剤はアルコール系で、エチレングリコールまたはプロピレングリコールを含む。比熱容量という点では、普通の水に全く劣らず、他のすべてのパラメーターで水を凌駕している。第一に、このような組成物は、ラジエーター、ボイラー、循環ポンプ、パイプに穏やかな影響を与え、早期の修理を防ぐ。第二に、Thermagentは腐食を起こさず、金属表面を確実に保護する。第三に、このような液体は結晶化温度が低いため、霜が降りた天候でボイラーが計画的または緊急に停止する際に液体が凍結することがありません。





暖房システムを設計する際には フォーミュラ 最もよく使われるのは流体流量である。 m = Q / (Cp × Δt).Qはシステムの設計容量。Cpは、熱媒体として使用される液体の比熱容量である。凍結防止剤の種類によって大きく異なる場合があります。具体的な値を知るには、クーラントのマニュアルやカタログの説明を読む必要があります。この情報は、材料のメーカーから入手することもできます。

Coolant filling line

エラーを避けるため、入力パラメータの順序を同じにする必要がある。例えば、電力QがkWで指定されている場合、比熱容量はkJ/kg-Kで計算式に入力されなければならない。これに対応して、Qがワットで指定されている場合、熱容量の次元は接頭辞 "kilo "なしでJ/kg-Kでなければならない。

簡単な例を挙げよう。自律暖房システムの計算出力は50kWである。普通の水の代わりに、比熱容量0.9 kJ/kg-Kの冷却水を回路に流し込む。ボイラーの入口パイプと出口パイプの温度差は10度である。この場合 クーラントの計算流量 と等しくなる。 50/0,9-10 = 5,56 kg/s.



  • 1,33~1,56:建物の壁は、厚さ200~240mmの木製の棒でできている;
  • 1.4 - 壁は化粧レンガ造りで、厚さは65cm;
  • 1.28 - 内部空洞のある厚さ65cmのレンガ造りの場合;
  • 1.13-壁はレンガ造りで、石積みの厚さは65cm、空隙はない;
  • 1.0 - 部屋の床はきれいで、その下には木の板か地面がある;
  • 0.9 - この係数は、鋼鉄の波板、タイル、アスベストセメントで覆われた屋根裏部屋の熱計算に使用される;
  • 0.8 - 同様のカバーがあるが、無垢フローリングの屋根裏部屋;
  • 0.75 – for buildings whose roofs are covered with roll roofing;
  • 0.7 – this resistance value is for internal walls adjacent to unheated rooms without external walls;
  • 0.6 – for premises with basements located below the ground surface or up to 1 m above it;
  • 0,4 – similar to the previous point, but neighboring rooms have external walls.
Working in a thermogenic laboratory
Quality control in the laboratory Thermagent

The specified coefficients are added to the denominator of the formula m = Q / (Cp × Δt). Thus, the final formula will be m = Q / k (Cp × Δt), where k is the heat transfer resistance parameter.


In the technical characteristics of circulation pumps, as a rule, the flow rate is indicated in liters per minute (l/min). In the formula described above, the result is specified in kilograms per second (kg/s). Accordingly, to select the pump unit, simple conversions must be made. First, the amount of antifreeze should be calculated not in kilograms, but in liters. To do this, the result obtained should be divided by the density of antifreeze. For example, if the liquid has a density of 1.06 g/cm3, then the flow rate in liters from the above calculation will be equal to 5.56/1.06 = 5.25 l / s. Secondly, instead of seconds, minutes should be used. To do this, multiply the result by 60. In this example, the flow rate will be 5.25-60 = 315 l/min. Taking into account the possible error, the pump should be selected with some reserve capacity, for example, 330-350 l/min.


In most cases, the flow rate is calculated in order to select a suitable circulation pump. But it is also worth considering when choosing heating radiators. The fact is that the flow rate of antifreeze in the heating system is proportional to the speed of the fluid flow. The stronger the pressure in the pipes, the higher the pressure. The corresponding pressure will also be present in the radiators. Each type of radiator has a maximum allowable pressure. If this is exceeded, the radiator may depressurize and leak. This is especially critical if the heat is supplied to panel type radiators. Such radiators can withstand less pressure than sectional radiators. Therefore, panel radiators should be installed if the flow rate through the radiator is relatively low.


When making calculations and designing a heating system, it is not enough to know how to calculate the flow rate of the coolant. It is also necessary to take into account the volume of working fluid in the heating circuit. This parameter must be calculated in order to purchase a sufficient amount of antifreeze and avoid refilling. The total volume of coolant in the system is made up of three components:

  • the capacity of the heat exchanger in the boiler;
  • volume of radiators;
  • volume of pipes.

The first two values can be found in the technical documentation for the boiler and radiators. Most boiler units have heat exchangers designed for 3-7 liters. Solid fuel models are more capacious and hold up to 25 liters of antifreeze. The capacity of radiators depends on the size of the sections or panels, as well as their number and design. On average, one section of a cast-iron battery holds 1.5 liters of liquid, bimetallic – 0.3 liters, aluminum – about 0.4 liters.


Calculating the total capacity of pipelines is quite simple. If the system uses pipes of the same size, it is enough to measure their internal diameter and total length. The volume is calculated by the formula V = π × r2 × L, where π = 3,14, L – the length of the pipelines, and r – the radius of the internal cross-section of the pipe (half of its diameter). To avoid errors, length and radius should be measured in the same dimension – for example, in meters. If the cross-section is measured in millimeters, the length should also be specified in mm, and the calculated volume will be measured in cubic millimeters (mm3). To convert cubic millimeters to liters, divide the result in mm3 by 1,000,000. For ease of calculation, typical values for standard pipe sizes can be used. The list below shows the values in this order: pipe size in inches, internal diameter and volume per meter length.

  • 1/2, 15 mm – 0.177 l/m;
  • 3/4, 20 mm – 0.314 l/m;
  • 1, 25 mm – 0.491 l/m;
  • 1 1/2, 40 mm – 1.257 l/m;
  • 2, 50 mm – 2.467 l/m.

Consider an example. The system uses a boiler with a 6 liter heat exchanger, 10 radiators with a capacity of 4 liters each and 50 meters of 3/4 inch piping. The total volume of the system will be 6 + 10 × 4 + 50 × 0.314 = 61.7 liters.


In order for the system of autonomous heating to effectively perform its functions, it is important not only to correctly calculate the flow rate of the coolant, but also to correctly select its composition and properties. Using ordinary water, even well purified, is not recommended. It can lead to premature boiler breakdowns and early wear of radiators, as well as to the formation of clogs in the pipes. It is necessary to pour into the circuit special antifreeze – Termagent, which should have the following properties.

Sufficient heat capacity. From this characteristic depends on the ability of the liquid to accumulate thermal energy and transfer it from the boiler to the heating batteries.

Chemical neutrality. Substances that make up the coolant should not enter into chemical reactions with metals, plastic, rubber and other materials used in boilers, radiators, pumps, pipes and seals.

Freeze Resistance. Ordinary water begins to turn to ice at zero temperature. If the boiler is turned off during the winter for lack of use or due to a breakdown, the liquid can freeze and rupture the pipes, radiators and boiler heat exchanger from the inside. This is due to the fact that ice has a density 10% less than water in the liquid state. Special heating antifreezes have high frost resistance. For example, ethylene glycol thermomagent crystallizes at -65 °C.

Safety. The vapors of the heat transfer fluid must not pose a threat to human health. This is critical because the working fluid can vaporize and spread indoors through leaks, open expansion tank lids and other means. The content of volatile toxic substances in the composition of heating antifreeze is unacceptable.

Read more about how to fill the heating system with thermal agent.


The correct choice of antifreeze and accurate calculation of the flow rate of the coolant – one of the key conditions for stable and efficient operation of the heating system. Quality fluid will provide quality heat exchange and comfortable microclimate in the premises, and the correct calculation of the flow rate will allow you to select a circulation pump with the most suitable technical characteristics.

コメント: 1
  1. Brian Castillo

    Calculating coolant volume can be a bit tricky, but it’s super helpful! I once tackled a radiator issue by using this method, and it worked like a charm. Just measure those dimensions right, and you’ll keep your system running smooth. Totally worth it!


;-) :| :x ひねくれた: 笑): ショックだ: 悲しい: ロール: 笑): おっと: :o mrgreen: 笑): アイデアだ: ニヤリ: 邪悪だ: 泣): クールだ: 矢印): :???: :?: :!:
