Choosing a loft bed for children

Choosing a loft bed for children

Recently, a lot of non-standard solutions in furniture have appeared. If before only a few had bunk beds, then today there is also a children’s bed-dormitory, and in different configurations and different types. In terms of saving space in the room – an ideal option, but with the convenience of operation there may be questions.


What height

Children’s loft bed can be of different heights:

  • medium height (for a bed) – this is when the sleeping place is about 1 meter from the floor level;
  • high – this is when the height of 1.5 meters and above.

Medium height is more suitable for kids up to 10-12 years old. And not only because parents are not so afraid that the child may fall. Rather because of the moments of socializing before bedtime. Such children still allow parents to cover them for the night, hug, read a story, talk about something. To do this at a height of 1.6 meters will not work. In any case, fully you will not communicate … But on a low (relatively) bed you can sit down and spend a full evening ritual.

A child's loft bed can be of medium height - the sleeping place is a meter off the floor (or so)
Children’s loft bed can be of medium height – the sleeping place is at a distance of a meter from the floor (or so)

Under the bed of a meter high you will not put a table and do not make a work or play space. But the whole area is built up with shelves, drawers, cabinets, in which a lot of things fit.

Teenagers do not allow such liberties. They are already too mature. For them, the ideal place and will be a high loft bed.

Uncomfortable high loft beds and in terms of their maintenance: even make the bed is problematic, and also change the linen is also inconvenient. But with these disadvantages, many are willing to put up with because of the economy of meta. The second not the most pleasant moment manifests itself during children’s illnesses. It is good if there is a backup option – the child can be transferred lower until recovery. If there is no such possibility, the mom will have to jump up / down, which is sometimes tiresome.

The height of the ceilings is one of the determining parameters when choosing the height of the loft bed
The height of the ceilings – one of the determining parameters when choosing a loft bed

Another point: the height of the ceilings. From the sleeping place with a mattress to the ceiling should remain at least 80-90 cm. This is the minimum that allows you not to bang your head. And that, with such a height to the ceiling, the air upstairs is “not very” – hot and stuffy. The problem can be solved by a carefully designed ventilation system, and if there is none, then at least regular airing.

Designs, types, materials

Like any other furniture, the attic bed comes in three variants: wooden, chipboard, metal. There are also combined versions – the frame is wooden, cabinets-shelves made of chipboard or MDF. Rarely there are metal structures – for some reason not the most popular option, although there are no claims to them in terms of durability.

Next, let’s consider the structural elements and their varieties, which can be important.


In many respects, the convenience of using a sleeping place is determined by the ladder (and the peace of mind of parents too). Let’s immediately consider what the steps can be made of:

  • From a round metal pipe (usually chrome-plated). Undoubtedly, the pipe is strong, but its surface is smooth and slippery. For small children, this can be a problem.
  • From wooden slats of small width. This option – also not for small children.
  • Wide planks. This is already better. Note that the child’s foot should fit completely (or better with a small margin) on the step.

In addition, there are different forms of stairs. The most dangerous – vertically padded slats (side or front – it does not matter). For boys of middle school age and older, this is not a problem. For sporty young ladies, too. For the rest of us, choose other designs.

One-over-one crossbars are not suitable for everyone
One above the other crossbars are not suitable for everyone

It is much more convenient when the stairs have a slope. They can be with a railing or without. With a railing – the safest option, but it takes up quite a lot of space and “fit” such a ladder is not always possible.

An inclined ladder is definitely more convenient, but it takes up a lot of space
Sloping stairs are certainly more convenient, but it takes up a lot of space
Convenient if space permits
Convenient, if the space allows

There are also ladders, attached to the side with large full-fledged steps. It, of course, take up even more space, but so that it is not wasted for nothing, under the steps hide drawers. You can put things or toys in them.

There are boxes hidden beneath the stairs
Under the steps of the stairs are hidden drawers

For those who have two or more children, it is often necessary to somehow block access to the top of the younger ones. They learn to climb up quickly, but it can be problematic to go down. There is an interesting option – a staircase divided into two parts with a platform.

Ladder with platform
Stairs with a platform

Such a design is generally safer: it is easier to climb up and down. And also easily realized barrier for kids – you can put a door, for example.

How to make a loft bed with your own hands read here.

What is located at the bottom

As you saw in the photo, a children’s loft bed on the first floor can have:

  • a workplace;
  • play area;
  • storage system – cabinets, shelves, drawers;
  • sofa.

There are also combinations or, as they say, multifunctional beds – under the sleeping place is a closet with a play area or workplace. It is very convenient when there are a lot of cabinets and drawers. This is a great solution for saving space in a small room. There are almost no complaints on such models.

Children's loft bed with pull-out table top
Children’s loft bed with a retractable table top

May not like the filling of cabinets (few shelves, and a lot of space for things on hangers, which children usually do not have a very large number). But it can be remodeled or ordered their own (if the company provides such opportunities). But independently install a few shelves or wire baskets for laundry will come out much cheaper.

How to design a boy’s room read here.

With a workplace

Quite a popular option – a loft bed with a workplace. To save space – this is a great option, but there is one “but”. According to the recommendations of pediatricians, the working table should have a variable height – grow with the child. In these designs, there is no such possibility. Although, to be honest, desks are also rarely with height adjustment. So whether to accept this argument or not is up to you.

A loft bed with a workstation
A loft bed with a workplace

Another point – on the table of such a workplace gets very little sunlight. You can, of course, organize good artificial lighting, but it is not always a full-fledged substitute. Another solution is to put so that the light from the window falls on the tabletop.

A solution to the lighting problem.))
The solution to the problem of illumination))

There are also models with a retractable table. This option will suit many – compact and quite convenient.

With extendable table on wheels
With a retractable table on wheels
And then there's this version of a loft bed with a workstation underneath
And such a variant of the loft bed with a workplace at the bottom (the table top is also retractable).

With a play area

With the placement of the play area on the first tier of problems usually does not arise. Can be made around the perimeter of it-two shelves on which you can store popular toys. But these shelves are usually few. If you have nowhere to store toys, you can finish or put on the shelves boxes, in which you can already stack toys.

The downstairs play area can have multiple shelves
The play area can have several shelves
A loft bed with a play area for a boy
A loft bed with a play area for a boy

As one of the options for equipping – a children’s loft bed with a slide. Usually it goes as a component of the play area, but there are also with cabinets. There are many options…

A loft bed with a slide
The loft bed with a slide is popular with children

The option with a play area is easily transformed into a bed with a house. To do this, it is enough to make walls, and it is possible from fabric. This greatly increases the interest of children and they can spend a long time playing games. And if you conduct lighting inside or put a lamp (better with LEDs from batteries or batteries – there is no glass and electricity), then the house will occupy children for a long time.

The development of the interior of the children’s room is described here.

With a sofa

Attic bed with a built-in sofa is not often – oversized furniture is obtained. Such options – it is already for teenagers. The second sleeping place (and the third, if the sofa is folding) can be used either for the second child, or as a reserve in case of the arrival of relatives. And teenagers are usually used for sitting with friends/girlfriends.

With a couch downstairs
With a sofa below

With a great desire, you can find a variant with a small sofa on the side and several shelves opposite. This option is good, if there is no separate nursery, and under it, just a corner in the parents’ room.

Interesting option
Interesting option

Multifunctional beds for teenagers

These are combined options – bed + closet + workplace. The layout can be different. In this option, it is necessary to look first of all at the dimensions and how the whole structure will fit in. It is these options have already quite a solid height of the location of the sleeping place – about 1,6-1,7 meters. Otherwise, teenagers downstairs will be uncomfortable.

With single-door cupboard and pull-out table
With a closet and a pull-out table
It is mainly the construction of the stairs that differs
It differs mainly in the design of the staircase

There are whole mini rooms in two levels.

Mini room with walk-in closet and work area
Mini room with a dressing room and work area

Among the low sofa beds, too, there are models with a closet and a work area. Note that in the photo below, the steps are made as a separate structure, which can also slide out/slide in.

The steps also slide in
The steps also slide in

User Experience

Some of the problems that can arise – difficulty of maintenance and communication – have already been described above. But there is another point – stability. With a considerable height, the construction turns out to be quite shaky. And since children are great fidgeters, there have been cases when the beds they overturned. Hence the recommendations:

  • immediately strengthen all joints and fastenings, adding wherever possible mounting metal plates;
  • figure out how to attach the bed to the wall (firmly and securely).

One more thing: sometimes the standard height of the railing is not enough. For your own peace of mind, you can increase the railing. Again, this is from experience – children fell in their sleep … From the same series – add to the ladder railing or make them higher.

About double-decker beds (two beds) read here.


A whole set of furniture with a loft bed
A whole complex of furniture with a loft bed
Pay attention to the ladder: unusually made drawers - not in the plane of the steps, but in the side of their part
Pay attention to the ladder: unusually made drawers – not in the plane of the steps, but in the side of them
Wooden loft bed in classic style
Wooden loft bed with a work area below in the classic style
The metal version is suitable for minimalist, modern or hi-tech style
The metal version is suitable for the style of minimalism, modern or hi-tech.
Rational use of space - corner shelf + cabinet on the side
Rational use of space – corner shelf + cabinet on the side
Interesting option for a work area))
Interesting variant of the working area)))
A loft bed for a girl
A loft bed for a girl
A functional version of a low bed
Functional option
Another option with a pull-out workstation
Another option with a retractable workplace

;-) :| :x ひねくれた: 笑): ショックだ: 悲しい: ロール: 笑): おっと: :o mrgreen: 笑): アイデアだ: ニヤリ: 邪悪だ: 泣): クールだ: 矢印): :???: :?: :!:
