Come realizzare uno spogliatoio: disposizione e riempimento

Il dispositivo più comodo, forse, per riporre le cose: un armadio. Dopo tutto, è davvero bello quando tutti i dettagli dell'armadio sono...

Corner closet in the dressing room, bedroom, hallway

Even in a spacious house or apartment you have to think about the rational use of space – every year the number of things is increasing. What can…

How to organize a closet inside

In our homes we have to solve a difficult problem – we have to fit a lot of things into a relatively small area. For this reason, we…

How to make ventilation and lighting in the dressing room

In order to keep things in the dressing room in normal conditions, so that there are no problems with odors and dampness, you need good ventilation. You can…

Come ricavare una cabina armadio da una dispensa

Le moderne tendenze del design degli ambienti richiedono una quantità minima di mobili. Solo ciò di cui non si può fare a meno. Ecco perché gli armadi, i ripostigli e gli altri mobili sono...

Checkroom 3 square meters: sketches, drawings with dimensions, materials

Judging by the appeal of users to the search engine Yandex, the greatest interest is the layout of dressing rooms with a size of 2 x 1.5 meters…
