Δονητική υποβρύχια αντλία "Malysh" - ανασκόπηση

A submersible pump Malysh can do all this, whether watering a vegetable garden, pumping water into a tank from a well, river, lake or even from a well….

Ποια αντλία φρέατος να επιλέξετε

Having your own water source is great. And it’s even better if they are wells – they usually have cleaner water than wells and can supply water for…

Πώς να ψάξετε για νερό στην περιοχή

It is very important for homes and dachas to have water. Some lucky people can connect to the centralized water supply, but most have to find their own…

Πώς να επιλέξετε έναν ηλεκτρικό θερμοσίφωνα ροής

Availability of hot water is one of the indispensable attributes of comfortable life. City dwellers are so accustomed to such conditions that temporary shutdown of hot water supply…

Βέλτιστη πίεση νερού

One of the systems that create comfortable living conditions is plumbing. On how it functions, depends on the performance of some household appliances, and whether we can normally…

Πώς να συνδέσετε έναν έμμεσο λέβητα (θερμοσίφωνα)

Hot water in the taps has long since ceased to be a luxury. Today it is one of the mandatory requirements of normal life. One of the possibilities…

Πώς να συνδέσετε σωλήνες πολυαιθυλενίου

Modern water pipes are rarely made of metal. Its worthy competitors – polymers – have emerged and are gradually replacing it in many areas. One such material is…

Πώς να φτιάξετε υδραυλικά από σωλήνες πολυπροπυλενίου

New technologies and materials in construction are constantly appearing, gradually replacing traditional materials. A good example of this is plumbing. Fifteen years ago, metal was used in most…

Πώς να επισκευάσετε μια βρύση που στάζει

Even the most reliable faucets start to leak over time – they leak or drip. You don’t always need to call a plumber to fix a faucet. Most…

Water leakage protection (control) system: how it works and how to choose one

Plumbing emergencies are every homeowner’s worst dream. In a house or in an apartment, it is equally unpleasant and costly. Only in the case of an apartment is…
