Repair in the bathroom – not a cheap pleasure, but there are finishing materials that allow you to put the room in order quickly, spending a small amount. For example, the walls can be finished with wallpaper. What wallpaper for the bathroom can be used – in the article.
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Wallpaper in the bathroom – pros and cons
It is still considered that in the bathroom the best option is ceramic tile. But this method of finishing requires significant funds, a large amount of work. Therefore, the minimum term for which such a finish is designed – 10 years. It happens that the tiles do not change for 20 years and more. Not all such stability suits. Fashion for finishing and finishing materials change quickly, and we all want our house to be stylish and beautiful.
In addition, there is another nuance that should be taken into account by the owners of apartments in new buildings: ceramic tile finishing is very tough. In newly built houses, when the building shrinks, it can lead to the appearance of cracks.
These reasons and the fact that tile looks too “cold”, make you think about what else besides tile can be finished walls in the bathroom. One of the most budget-friendly options is wallpaper for the bathroom. They are many times cheaper than tiles (even the most expensive options), glued quickly. All this allows you to change the finish once a year or even more often. Tired, or wallpaper lost its attractiveness – replaced.
There are disadvantages to this solution. The first – the wallpaper will have to choose special, which can feel normal in rooms with high humidity. Second – in areas of direct contact with water walls are usually finished with other, more resistant to moisture materials. Most often, in these areas lay tiles, and in the rest – glue wallpaper. But there is still a way out – to protect the wallpaper with transparent glass or plastic.
To wallpaper for the bathroom served longer, it is worth gluing them on a special glue. Compositions for wet rooms contain antibacterial additives that prevent the development of mold and fungi.
Types of wallpaper for the bathroom
Not all wallpaper can be used in wet rooms. For example, paper or paper-based wallpapers for the bathroom are not suitable. Glue them on, but they will quickly lose their attractiveness, after taking a bath or hot shower will absorb moisture. Therefore, although paper wallpaper and inexpensive, use them in the bathroom is not worth it. The exception – moisture-resistant washable wallpaper. But this is an economy option, which is suitable, for example, for a cottage or garden house.
Fleezelinovymi often called wallpaper with a fleezelin base, on which various coatings are applied (most often on the fleezelin applied vinyl or paper). But in this case we are talking specifically about fleece wallpaper on a fleece base. They are not afraid of moisture, so they can be used in wet rooms. This type of “clothes” for the walls are:
The merits of such “purely fleeselin” cloths – the ability of the material to pass air and steam. They say that such walls “breathe”, thanks to which there is a natural regulation of humidity (for the section of the ventilation system). When searching for this kind of finishing materials, in the search box specify” fleece wallpaper on a fleece base, “otherwise the output will mainly consist of vinyl wallpaper on a fleece base, and the quality and appearance of them are quite different.
Fleece wallpaper for the bathroom is glued on a flat clean base, using a special glue with high adhesive power. Glue is applied only on the walls, the cloths are rolled dry, carefully smoothed.
Fleece itself is a fairly dense material, which practically does not stretch. So that when gluing there were no problems, the preparation of walls should be at a high level – dry cloths do not stretch and do not “sit”, so that flaws are difficult to hide. And this is one of the disadvantages.
For the bathroom, vinyl wallpaper on a fleezelin base is suitable. Vinyl is also produced on a paper base, but for wet rooms this option is not suitable, as the paper is hygroscopic and usually such a finish quickly lags behind the walls.
Vinyl wallpaper is a thin film of polyvinyl chloride, applied to the fleece base. Vinyl film has a thickness of a tenth of a millimeter, but it is so strong and dense, but it is quite difficult to damage it, so you can wash it even with a brush with detergents. In addition, it does not allow moisture in any form. On the one hand it is good – moisture does not penetrate to the walls. On the other – not so much, because the ventilation in the bathroom must work very well, since naturally the atmosphere can not normalize. If you decide to use vinyl wallpaper for the bathroom, it is desirable to install an exhaust fan to ensure forced regulation of humidity.
Vinyl wallpaper for the bathroom can be of several types – vinyl can be applied in several ways. There is a thin vinyl, under it the walls should be prepared carefully, as all irregularities will be visible. Especially if the color chosen is light and the texture is smooth. There is a denser and thicker vinyl, which better hides surface imperfections, there is – foam, which due to the textured surface can hide imperfections. Surface preparation in this case may not be so ideal. But, regardless of the thickness of the film, large irregularities are inadmissible, since the fleece base stretches poorly.
Glue vinyl wallpaper in the same way as fleezelinovye: the wall is smeared with glue, and the cloths themselves are glued dry. But the glue used is different, with even higher adhesive power, as the weight of one roll is even more (due to the weight of PVC film).
If you like painted walls in the bathroom, you can use glass wallpaper for painting. They are a canvas woven from glass fibers, which are woven in a special way, due to which the pattern is formed. The range of drawings is not so great, but due to the fact that these cloths can be repainted up to 20-30 times, you can quickly change the design of the bathroom.
Fiberglass wallpaper for the bathroom has a long service life, is not afraid of moisture, permeable air, does not rot, made from natural raw materials, does not support combustion. Canvases have a certain texture, due to which they can be glued on non-ideal walls. In general, not a bad option. The disadvantages are few. First – they cost more than the same vinyl wallpaper. But they can be repainted, which allows you to quickly change the bored style. The second disadvantage is that it is difficult to glue them. You have to watch out that you do not “flatten” the relief, use special glue. The third disadvantage – you still need to buy paint and several times paint glass wallpaper – to get a uniform color. This still raises the cost of this type of finishing.
Self-adhesive wallpaper
In stores there are on sale self-adhesive film, which can be used in the bathroom. It is glued on an even clean base. In this case, the preparation of the walls should be perfect: the film is very thin and no flaws it can not hide, but only emphasizes all the irregularities. The properties of this finishing material are determined by the properties of vinyl: the film is strong, dense, does not allow water, steam, air. Walls covered with this material can be washed with a brush with non-abrasive detergents. PVC does not pass water in any form, and to remove the increased humidity requires a well-functioning ventilation.
Self-adhesive bathroom wallpaper can be matte or glossy. On the glossy more visible traces of water and soap, but care for it is easier: from the smooth surface is easily removed all contaminants. On the matte film deposits are less visible, but due to the porosity of the surface it is more difficult to remove them. Another nuance: glossy surface due to light reflection makes a small room visually more spacious. But in bright light, a large number of glare strongly affects the eyes. They get tired faster.
Before gluing the surface must be cleaned of dust, degrease. Then, cut the film into strips of the required length. Gradually separating the protective substrate, glue the PVC film, driving out the air from under the film with a plastic spatula.
Liquid wallpaper
Another very interesting option for finishing the walls in the bathroom – liquid wallpaper. By the nature of the application of this material is more like plaster, as in the finished form is a paste-like mass, which is applied to the walls with the help of spatulas or similar tools. The main advantage of this type of finishing materials – undemanding to the base. Since the layer can be up to 1 cm, it is possible to level even quite large irregularities. But, since the composition is not called cheap, many people prefer to conduct preliminary leveling with cheaper mixtures (leveling plaster or putty), and the finish leveling – already with the help of liquid wallpaper.
Sold liquid wallpaper in the form of dry powder, which in certain proportions is diluted with water, or in the form of ready-to-use paste. The composition includes cellulose fibers, mineral components, textile fibers, coloring pigments. All this is mixed with a binding component (glue) and diluted with water. The resulting paste is applied to the walls.
Choice of glue
To wallpaper for the bathroom held well, so that they do not breed mold and fungi, it is necessary to choose the right glue. It is chosen depending on the type of wallpaper: for vinyl – its composition, for fleeces – its own. But it is necessary to make sure that the glue included bactericidal additives.
For greater reliability, it is desirable to treat the prepared surface with a primer that has a bactericidal effect. In addition to preventing the development of harmful microorganisms, the primer equalizes the absorbency of the walls, reducing the consumption of glue and preventing the formation of bubbles.
Hey, I just ripped out that old wallpaper in my bathroom and went for a moisture-resistant vinyl! The colors are so vibrant, it totally transformed the space! I can’t believe how easy it was to install, and now it feels like a spa in there. Totally pumped!