With what and how to combine the color fuchsia in interior design

Decorating a room is not an easy task. It is necessary to take into account a lot of information about how to select colors, how to combine them…

Programme für die Gestaltung von Wohnungen und Häusern - wählen Sie das beste Programm

Planning a renovation, but don’t know how it will look like? Use an interior design program! There are some pretty good free options that will help you pick…

Gemälde für Innenräume - originelle Meisterwerke mit eigenen Händen

Creating a unique atmosphere at home is not an easy task. Although there are many finishing materials, furniture and styles available today, they are not unique. And you…

Was ist eine grobe Reparatur (Endbearbeitung) in einem neuen Gebäude?

Thinking about buying housing on the primary market, you are faced with the fact that they sell apartments with repairs of different degrees of readiness. The most common…

Dekorative Leisten an Wänden und Decken

Everyone wants to make their home unique and one of the ways to do that is with stucco decorations. In the past, all elements were made by hand,…

Mit was kombiniert lila Farbe im Inneren

The right use of purple color in the interior is not so easy. It is very active and bright, so you need to choose not only the right…

Wie man die Wand und die Decke mit Leisten abschließt

Developing the decor of rooms, you want to make them beautiful and unique. One of the techniques – moldings in the interior. These decorative strips help to make…

Verwendung von Buntglas in modernen Innenräumen

Decorating your own home is not an easy task. One way is to use glass patterns. How to use stained glass in the interior and we will discuss….

Veredelung von Pisten mit dekorativen Kunststoffecken

Wallpapered and puttied exterior corners need protection. Frequent contact with the wallpaper will rub off and the putty will deteriorate. The problem can be solved with the help…

Tarkett Art Vinyl Bodenbeläge - kreative Lösungen verwirklichen

Vinyl modular flooring is considered one of the most practical and durable floor coverings that have emerged in recent years. It may look like parquet, but it does…
