Abmessungen von bodenstehenden, wandhängenden und Eck-WCs

The bathroom is one of the most visited places in our house. So its arrangement is a very important thing. First of all, it is worth choosing a…

In welcher Höhe soll das Waschbecken im Badezimmer installiert werden?

Renovations are always new and new challenges. Such a seemingly simple question about at what level to hang the sink. It can be confusing. No, really. What should…

Abmessungen (Größen) und Formen von Duschkabinen

The presence of a shower in a house or apartment – it has long been a necessity. Especially since the size of shower cabins allows you to make…

Hiddo - umweltfreundliche und wirksame Wasch- und Geschirrspülmittel

Hiddo is a brand of safe eco-friendly detergents for laundry and dishwashing. Highly concentrated Japanese formula is effective, provides economical consumption, allows you to take care of nature,…
