Sådan renser du vand fra en brønd: filtre og folkemetoder

If the water comes into the house from a well, it may contain various impurities such as sand, clay, iron, manganese, nitrates and bacteria. Special equipment such as…

Trough med dine egne hænder (tegninger og fotos)

It is convenient to have your own well on the plot, but drilling and maintenance services cost a lot. At least there are ways to drill and, if…

Sådan laver du en vandledning i dachaen: vælg rør, skema, lægningsmetode

The requirements for water supply at the dacha are not lower than in urban apartments, but higher: it is necessary to ensure supply not only to taps and…

Hvordan man ikke fryser vandforsyningen i dachaen

Winter plumbing in the dacha with your own hands can be done in two ways: bury it so that it does not freeze (below the frost depth); to…

Sådan får du vand ind i huset fra en brønd eller et borehul

Water supply of a private house is most often made from a well or borehole. Pumps are used for automatic supply. The type and capacity of the pump…

Pumpe til at øge vandtrykket i sommerhuset

Often the existing water supply system in a summerhouse is under-pressurized. This is a common phenomenon if the system is based on a storage tank and flows into…

Sådan vælger du en pumpestation til dit hjem og sommerhus

A domestic pumping station is equipment for automated water supply to a private house. It can supply water from any source: well, borehole, central water supply or river….

Brønddekoration: brøndhus (åbent og lukket)

A well at the dacha, and sometimes near the house, is a necessary thing. But just a concrete ring sticking out of the ground with a cover is…

Installer vandvarmer med dine egne hænder foto + video

Buying a water heater is not everything. It still needs to be installed and then connected. And connect it to both the water supply and electricity. How to…

Sådan graver du en brønd ved dachaen, tæt på huset

Even if the house has a centralized water supply, a well will not be superfluous: it is too expensive to water the vegetable garden or flowerbeds with water…
