Have- og datja-håndværk: nyheder (75 fotos)

Improvement of a cottage and garden, your own backyard – a never-ending process. All the time something is being remodeled, changed, decorated. In this article collected crafts for…

Havearbejde for de dovne og smarte: hvordan man laver behagelige og produktive bede

A cottage and a vegetable garden instead of a place of rest often become a place of exhausting labor. Watering, weeding, loosening, watering again, weeding, loosening and so…

Havekantbånd til bede, græsplæner og blomsterbede

To fence beds, flowerbeds and paths you need to use some kind of material. In regions where wood is cheap, boards are often used, and in others you…

Planlægning af en køkkenhave til udplantning - gør det korrekt og smukt

More and more often dacha is not only a place for solving food problems, but also a place for recreation. And not all the area is allocated to…

Bonsai for begyndere - dyrk et træ i vindueskarmen!

Bonsai is a garden art whose task is to grow an ornamental miniature tree. Imagine a pine, cedar or maple tree growing in a small pot on your…

Sådan gør du bedene klar til vinteren

Summer has passed, the harvest is almost gathered, but it is too early to rest. In September begins the time of important worries to prepare for winter and…

Typer af gødning, metoder og regler for deres anvendelse, fordele og ulemper ved brug

It is well known that it is impossible to get a rich harvest without fertile soil. One of the ways to maintain the proper level of nutrients in…

Hvilken gødning skal man bruge om foråret: i haven, køkkenhaven og blomsterbedene

Spring is the time of nature’s awakening and the best time to start caring for plants in the garden, vegetable garden or flower bed. Knowing what fertilizers for…

Er det muligt at fjerne ukrudt i køkkenhaven for altid? Metoder til bekæmpelse

Weeds are evil, all vegetable gardeners will agree with this. Their overgrowth leads to a decrease in yield by 50-70%, soil depletion, deterioration of the quality of grown…

Is it worth buying a garden sprayer Umnitsa OE 8L MINI?

Flower garden, vegetable garden and garden in a private house or dacha plot need constant care. The work starts in early spring and continues until fall. A great…
