Water purification is one of the most important tasks of modern man. The success of the solution directly affects our health and well-being. It is cleaned by means of filters of various devices or entire filtration systems. It all depends on the degree of contamination. Now actively advertised titanium water filter TITANOF (Titanov, Titanoff).
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What the manufacturer says
First of all, it is stated that the titanium filter removes iron and rust (iron oxide), bacteria and viruses, manganese and chlorine, removes turbidity and color. Other filters also cope with the same tasks. Each of the analogs has advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage of most is the need to replace filter elements. But the titanium water filter is positioned as reusable and durable with a guarantee of 50 years. What is its uniqueness? Let’s understand.
The difference is that the filter element is a cartridge-type cylinder of sintered titanium powder. This is one of the metals that is lighter than steel, but much stronger than it. Another of its remarkable properties is that it is almost non-oxidizing (in its purified form) and does not wear out over time. When manufacturing a Titanium filter, the titanium powder is sintered, producing a sort of “titanium sponge”. The titanium filter material has a porous structure, the pores are 0.8 microns in size. The powder is sintered in the form of a cylinder with rather thick walls – about 5 mm.
How does the purification work? Filtration occurs by “pushing” water through the walls of the titanium cylinder. The impurities remain in the passages/capillaries of the filter element. The filtration principle is innovative. Since other filters do not work this way (polyurethane, for example). That is, in fact, the titanium water filter is not an ordinary filter, but a fine purifier with an unusual and durable filter element made of titanium.
Video review of the titanium filter from the official manufacturer:
The principle of filtration of dissolved iron
The titanium particles contained in the filter element react with oxygen and the resulting compounds oxidize dissolved iron. Iron oxides are formed, which are subsequently trapped by the pores of the cartridge. This allows for reagent-free purification of dissolved iron.
Dissolved iron is unusual in that at first glance it does not show itself in any way. Clear water may well contain this impurity. Its presence is “discovered” as the iron particles in the water come into contact with oxygen from the air. After that, the oxidation process takes place and rust precipitates. That is why, for example, in particularly “iron-rich” areas of different cities you can see a thick layer of rust in kettles and rusty streaks on the bathtub, toilet and sink. While from the faucet flows absolutely clear water without any hint of turbidity.
This property of titanium is extremely useful for water purification, and, what is especially important, does not conflict with the general biological inertness and non-toxicity of titanium itself. This is why it is so actively used for the manufacture of implants, dentures and other “parts” for replacement in the human body. Titanium is not only not rejected by the human body and does not release harmful substances into it, but also practically does not wear out.
The effectiveness of the titanium filter is confirmed not only by the patent, which was issued by the manufacturer, but also by the research protocol, posted in the public domain on the official website of the company. In addition, water analyzes can be seen in “live” video reviews of the filter. So, with that sorted out. This is not a miracle, but a natural chemical reaction and the properties of the material from which the filter is made, with confirmation in the form of official documents.
Excerpt from the test report – “before and after”:
Blogger Alexander Smolin’s video review of the Titans filter:
What is the real uniqueness
Taking into account all of the above and documented evidence of the filter’s effectiveness against the claimed types of contaminants, we can conclude that the titanium water filter is not just an ordinary mechanical filter. It copes not only with the stated filtration limit of 0.8 microns, but also provokes the oxidation reaction of dissolved iron and reduces chlorine by 7 times.
Video review with an example of the operation of the filter with dissolved iron:
Is a titanium filter a guarantee of drinking water? The question is tricky, you need to realize that it all depends on what kind of water is used initially (before the filter). If, except for those impurities that can be removed by the titanium filter, there are no other excesses in the water, then yes, the water will be potable. It should be understood that for each component that may be contained in the water, there are their concentration standards, prescribed in SanPin. They can be determined with the help of water analysis. To conduct it, you need to make a water sample and take it to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service or the nearest suitable laboratory providing such services.
Often, especially when it comes to water from a well and well, subtle impurities are not the only problem. For example, hardness salts, lime, titanium filter will not remove. Additional treatment will be needed, usually with a cation exchange filter. Not only that, you may also need a pre-treatment stage – coarse purification. Depends on the degree of water contamination. Such multistage filtration systems from different manufacturers are not new to experienced dacha dwellers and owners of country cottages.
To understand whether we will get drinking water after a titanium filter, you can simply analyze the water – before and after application, following the instructions of the SES or the appropriate laboratory.
What other advantages does the titanium filter have, except for reagent-free oxidation of divalent iron? There are. How? In the fact that this filter can be washed. And the number of washings is not limited. The manufacturer declares the shelf life of the filter to be 50 years. Titanium is indeed a chemically inactive metal. It does not react (almost), does not dissolve, does not oxidize. That is, all the elements delayed by the filter simply lie there and can be removed. And that’s really what it is. How to do this?
How to clean a titanium water filter and how effective it is
The manufacturer talks about two ways to clean the titanium filter element: with the help of reverse water flow and chemical reduction. Simple rinsing with water is effective, but up to a certain limit. Part of the contaminants come out, but what “lies” in the surface layer is washed away. You can’t wash sediment out of porous titanium with water. There are too many passages, they are too small, chaotically arranged.
So, chemical reduction is required to restore performance. This is far from as scary as it sounds, or rather, it is very simple, just like rinsing a kettle from limescale. In this case – it is soaking in an acid solution (a solution of food citric acid, which is sold in any store and costs pennies) for 6-8 hours (many just leave overnight.
By experience and reviews: the water goes after cleaning perfectly. Restores the performance of the filter. For how long? Depends on the initial level of water contamination. Someone cleans the filter after 1 month, someone is enough for six months. There may be several reasons for this situation:
- It should be noted that the titanium filter is not positioned as exclusively mechanical. That is: it is designed only for fine impurities. If, in addition to them, there are huge flakes of rust, stones, sand, clay, silt and tina floating in the water, then any other than a coarse filter will clog faster. Apart from the titanium filter, this will apply equally to the carbon and ion exchange filters. You should not be surprised that the fine filter is clogged with sand and is not working because of this. This just means that first of all the water needs a pre-filter, mesh or so-called mud filter.
- Proper cleaning procedure. It is important not to mess up the proportions of citric acid and water (put too little), forget to stir the acid, leave the cartridge in water not for 6 hours minimum, but for 20 minutes, etc.
- Incorrectly selected model. The model “Little” for 250 liters per hour is unlikely to be suitable for installation on a well for all water extraction points at once. Despite the fact that the official website indicates a fairly accurate description of each model and the conditions of its application, such “savings” takes place. Competent selection of a suitable filter resource – an important stage in the acquisition of any such product, regardless of the manufacturer – whether it is Titanov, Aquaphor or any other filter. If it is supposed to simultaneously use the sink, shower, washing machine, dishwasher, etc., then 250 liters per hour is unlikely to solve the problem.
- Easiest cartridge cleaning. Saving on filter elements is very attractive, you do not want to waste your time, effort, and most importantly money. The process of regeneration of the cartridge is as simple as possible for both a pensioner and a teenager. There is no need to buy a new cartridge and spend more money, it is better to save it.
In order to correctly select the model of the Titan filter, it is worthwhile to provide the seller in advance with all the data about the water, specifying what impurities it contains, in addition to iron.
Video instruction on how to regenerate a titanium filter:
What the reviews say
The vast majority of reviews are positive. People leave reviews and talk about the performance of the filter, sharing the results. Negative reviews are very rare and are similar to the intrigues of competitors, as the template text without any facts to recognize very easily, it is no secret that the company Titans and its durable products are very much in the way of other water treatment companies working on the principle of replaceable cartridges. After all, everyone wants to make money from customers for years after the installation of the filter. In the case of Titans this does not happen, so they are angry.
As for positive reviews, among them there are many real, live video reviews. Moreover, the manufacturer officially holds periodic promotions: a discount on another product or a cashback for a video review, which shows that the filter really works, and not just talking on camera memorized text. This approach is not uncommon, because if everything works fine for a person, he usually keeps quiet – what’s the point of saying that everything is fine? Not surprisingly, we have to resort to additional incentives to create testimonials and video reviews from real customers.
Another video review of the titanium filter with an example of dissolved iron purification:
Here is how the titanium water filter is described by its users (reviews from search results, from independent portals):
- Expectations met. Even the taste of water has changed.
- Thanks to him, the water in the house became much cleaner, installation is not difficult, all on the mind.
- The water is of course completely different! Not to compare. Before, and the smell was iron strong, and the water turned cloudy when even a little in the air to stand. Rust everywhere, constantly washed everything from it. […] I never thought that our people could make such a good thing.
In general, about 95% percent say that “it’s not a scam”, not wasted a lot of money, everything works. Another 5% says: “don’t believe the advertising – everything is not true”. Who to believe – advertising, positive or negative reviews – everyone decides for himself. Are there any negative reviews? Singular and all in the format of the text without real confirmation.
Comparison of titanium and pitcher filters:
TITANOF filter manufacturers have managed to gain notoriety in the last 4 years in events such as:
- EFFIE AWARDS – Startup. Effective Startup.
- Leroy Merlin’s “Fair of Chances” – winner.
- Ecological Award “Ecobest” – ecoproduct of the year.
- Innovation contest in Skolkovo – finalist.
- Work with the Russian Presidential Administration as a contractor for installation of titanium filters at the facility.
- The company was selected by the Moscow Export Center to sell its products around the world and was included in the first 100 companies from Russia that were honored to be placed on the world’s Internet portals as a verified supplier.
- The company’s specialists are invited to TV programs as water treatment experts.
In 2019, the Innovation Agency of Moscow awarded the 1st place to the product according to the results of evaluation by the city customers and recommended it to be included in the “List of innovative, high-tech products and technologies”:
Despite all the awards and regalia, it can be fairly noted that the titanium filter is not a panacea – it has properties declared by the manufacturer and it fulfills them. It removes quite specific contaminants for which it is designed. The same can be said about any other filter, assuming one specific type of purification: fine, mechanical (preliminary), finishing, softening, etc., but to get 100% clean water, it is not a panacea. And to get 100% clean water, in any case, you should first take water to analyze and according to its results select a purification system. It will be in it titanium water filter or not – it is already your decision. Taking into account the savings on cartridges and a working life of 50 years, for a fine mechanical filter with iron oxidation function, in a few years the filter will start to earn you money. Since you don’t need to buy cartridges anymore. As they say in Russia: saved means earned!
Feedback on the titanium filter in the apartment:
The company TITANOF apparently listens to reviews, which is especially important for a relatively new product on the market. Therefore, on the manufacturer’s website you can find quite detailed descriptions of simple, at first glance, things like the process of regeneration of the titanium cartridge with video. This is done in order to minimize mistakes when working with the filter. As for the characteristics of the filters, they are also described in more than detail. Now in the description to all titanium powder filters working pressure of 8 bar. In addition, there are models with different flow rates for different number of simultaneously operating points.
On the TITANOF website there is also a section “ready-made solutions”, where you can find bundles of filters of different types to solve the most common problems.
Based on all of the above, we can draw the following conclusions:
- Titanium filter is a device designed for specific tasks (fine cleaning) and successfully solves these tasks.
- Confirmation of the titanium filter’s work is available in the public domain – from official documents and test reports on the manufacturer’s website to independent video reviews, including, among other things, water analyses.
- The titanium filter can really work for 50 years, based on the material properties of the cartridge and has a warranty of the same 50 years, it is written in the technical passport.
- The titanium cartridge should be cleaned by following the manufacturer’s instructions.
- When choosing any filter, it is necessary to carefully study water problems and consult with the seller before purchasing a water purification device.
I just got my hands on the TITANOF titanium water filter, and wow, it’s the real deal! The water tastes so crisp, it’s like a mountain stream! Can’t believe how easy it is to use. Totally worth it for anyone who loves clean, fresh water!