Самостоятелно свързване на пералната машина

The washing machine must be connected to three networks at once: water, sewerage and electricity. It is therefore necessary to choose a place for installation so that all…

Казанче за промиване на тоалетната чиния: устройство, монтаж, регулиране, ремонт

No matter how high quality the toilet bowl and fittings are, there are periodic problems: the water is not drawn, or on the contrary, constantly leaks from the…

How to make a bathtub screen

Not every bathtub can be fitted with a ready-made screen. Some people have it high, some, on the contrary – low, there are also bathtubs of non-standard sizes….

Каква може да бъде границата за ваната, как да я монтирате

After installing a bathtub, shower tray, sink or washbasin, there is a gap between the edge of the appliance and the wall. Sometimes it is only a few…

Начини да се отървете от черната плесен в банята

Mold and mildew in the bathroom not only spoil the appearance, they are also harmful to your health. Therefore, getting rid of mold in the bathroom or other…

How to make a hygienic shower

Not all bathrooms allow you to install a bidet, and the level of comfort after the corresponding manipulations is quite different. But for those who do not have…

Избор на душ кабина

When renovating bathrooms, bathtubs are often replaced by shower cabins. They take up less space, which allows you to free up space for household appliances, especially in a…

Which toilet bowl is best to choose

One of the most important conditions for a normal life in an apartment is properly working sanitary fixtures. One of the key points in this is the correct…

Как да скрием (покрием) тръбите в тоалетната

Our comfort is ensured by engineering systems, and their component is pipelines, so pipes in our homes are inevitable. But their appearance, even if they are new and…

Монтиране на мивка над пералната машина

Not all bathrooms are large enough – old houses were not designed to have any appliances, simply because they were not available then. Those houses are still in…
