The apartments in the houses built during the Khrushchev era are not the most successful: very small spaces and an imperfect layout. In those days, the goal was to provide each family with a separate living space, and no one paid much attention to the comfort of living. What they are good is that the redevelopment of Khrushchevka does not cause special difficulties: load-bearing walls, as a rule, only external, all the rest are partitions. They can be demolished or moved without risk to the load-bearing capacity of the entire building. But this does not mean that repair work can be started without a project and approval. Any changes are subject to registration.
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What is redevelopment and how to formalize it
Redevelopment is any change in the configuration of partitions in the apartment. In load-bearing walls to change anything without a preliminary assessment of damage and determination of measures to eliminate it is strictly prohibited. In the case of non-bearing walls or partitions, everything is not so categorical, although it is proposed to first draw up a project, then it is agreed and only then proceed to the realization of ideas.
It is worth knowing that there are several inadmissible remodeling, which you will never agree:
- Expansion of the area of “wet rooms” – kitchen, bathroom and toilet – is allowed only at the expense of technical rooms. They cannot be located above the living ones. That is, you can take away part of the corridor, built-in closet, hallway. In this regard, there may be controversial points about some types of redevelopment. In particular, the photo below shows such a disputed
area. Disputed area when expanding the area of the bathroom.
The red highlighted fragment is actually in the corridor, but according to BTI documents it is a living area. And if you submit the redevelopment in this form, it will not be accepted. To get around this obstacle, first put a partition, fencing off the corridor, formalize this redevelopment, then submit a project with an increased area of the bathroom.
- When expanding the area of the kitchen it can not be done:
- at the expense of the area of the bathroom;
- if the expansion is at the expense of the area of the living room, you can not install sanitary and kitchen equipment (sink and stove);
- if the kitchen is equipped with a gas stove, it is prohibited to combine it with the living room.
Changing the gas stove to an electric one is not always a good solution, but you can bypass the last point in another way: by putting sliding doors or “accordion”.
Redevelopment of one-room khrushchevka
One-room apartments are bought mainly by young people. In this case, a possible option for redevelopment of a one-room Khrushchevka is to transform it into a studio apartment. Usually remove all the partitions between the room and the kitchen, often tear down the partition separating the hallway.
What in any case remains unchanged – this is the location of the bathrooms: any transfer of these premises in apartment buildings is prohibited (except for the first floors).
In the photo above, the redevelopment has touched the bathroom, but it has not changed its location. The dimensions have changed – the area has increased due to the transfer of two walls: the one facing the room has been moved a little forward, and the side wall has been moved closer to the entrance door. This made it possible to install a washing machine. It is often difficult to install a washing machine in small-sized apartments. The hallway in this variant is small, but in the room you can allocate space for a dressing room.
You can read about the design of the studio apartment in detail here.
Another variant of redevelopment of 1-bedroom Khrushchevka is presented in the following photo. In this case, the corridor and kitchen were combined, the door to the room was moved further from the entrance, so that the functionality of the room has increased significantly. It was also possible to allocate space for a spacious built-in closet in the corridor. The functionality of the kitchen was not affected, its area as a result of the destruction of the partition even slightly increased – by 0.2 square meters.
Applied here is another common way in recent years to increase living space – insulation of balconies and loggias. With a sufficient level of insulation and heating organization there is maintained a comfortable temperature. In this case, you can remove without much difficulty the part of the wall that used to be under the window. The rest of the wall can not be touched. In this case, a study is organized on the insulated loggia.
Consider another such variant of redevelopment of one-room Khrushchevka, which were built in a brick house. There are other areas, a balcony instead of a loggia, a very small bathroom and a small kitchen, but the partitions are the same as in the previous case.
Due to the use of a corner shower cubicle and the refusal of a bathtub, it was possible to optimize the location of plumbing so that there is space for a washing machine. At the same time, the wall is made beveled, which increased the area of the kitchen. However, the hallway in this version is quite small, but the kitchen is almost one meter (0.7 square meters) larger.
The living area is increased due to the insulation of the balcony, where the desk and closet are moved. The peculiarity of this redevelopment is that the customer needed to have 5 sleeping places on such a small area: for 3 children and 2 for adults. As you can see in the photo, all of them are available: one bed children’s double-decker.
Sometimes the previous idea, what is called, “does not warm”. The lack of walls in the kitchen is not all perceived normally, even if there is no partition with the hallway, but not with the room … In the next variant of redevelopment of Khrushchevka was made by moving partitions. Moved the side wall of the hallway – moved to the side of the room. At the same time, the front wall of the hallway is moved almost close to the door to the bathroom. As a result, the hallway area has been increased and there is room for a built-in closet or closet.
To compensate for the reduction of the room area, the kitchen area was reduced. But it almost did not lose functionality, as due to the transfer of the partition closer to the bathroom door there is a place to install a refrigerator. This redevelopment of the Khrushchev led to the fact that the dining area is moved into the room, and the swinging doors are replaced by sliding or “accordion”.
In this case, the room has a L-shaped view, and this makes it possible to put a partition that will separate the “children’s bedroom” from the “living-dining room”. The same option is suitable for those who want to make a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment. Often such a remodeling Khrushchevka start a couple with a small child.Another option for remodeling a 1-room apartment into a 2-room apartment, with a different initial layout.
This is the easiest way – put a partition made of plasterboard. It should occupy no more than half of the gap, so that the second half still had natural light.
Another example of how you can turn a corner one-room “Khrushcheba” into a studio apartment with a dedicated bedroom. In the bedroom, of course, no unnecessary items can not be, only a bed and a closet. But it is isolated.
A few more options for remodeling one-room apartments you will find in this article.
Remodeling khrushchevka two-room
Two-room khrushchevka in the houses of these years, the majority. They have the same disadvantages as one-room apartments: small areas and inconvenient layout, passable rooms. Nevertheless, most of the problems can be solved by moving some walls. For example, adjacent rooms can be divided, and in the meantime from two-room to make a three-room.
We put an additional partition separating the room from the corridor. Thus we get a rather large room, which can be used as a pantry, and can be turned into a dressing room. The second room – long and narrow – is divided into two zones: bedroom and living room with the help of a light partition made of plasterboard or other sheet material.
In the photo below – another type of passageway rooms in a double room: – to get into the second room, the first room must be crossed from one wall to another. Extremely unfortunate layout in the sense that the functionality of the first room is very low: the “dead” zone of the passage falls out. And since often in the end of the second room is made a pantry, it can not be used fully.
According to the proposed variant of remodeling, the shape of the bathroom due to the transfer of the wall becomes rectangular, the hallway is united with the first room. It is used as a living room, from which the entrance to the kitchen is made. The far room is divided into two small bedrooms. Pay attention to the partition between the two bedrooms – it is non-linear, so that it was possible to arrange a small dressing room in both rooms.
It is possible to turn an ordinary two-room apartment in the panel khrushchevka into a modern studio apartment with a combined living room-kitchen. The main task in this redevelopment is to obtain permission to move the entrance doors. In this case, the former hallway is turned into a dressing room. The kitchen and living room are united due to a partially demolished partition, the bathroom is also united.
If desired, the second room can be divided into two with the help of a light partition that separates the bedroom of the working area or office. To zoning was more complete, but at the same time the bedroom had access to sunlight, the partition can be made not at full height, but about 1.5 meters.
Very effectively solved the question of remodeling of a two-bedroom in this variant of remodeling. In fact, it has become a triple. Due to the fact that the hallway is slanted, the area of the bathroom is increased. The partition separating the kitchen from the room is partially dismantled. The second room is divided into two parts, the area of the second room is increased due to a pantry and a wall closet. It turned out to be two separate bedrooms, and due to the fact that the apartment is corner, there are windows in both of them.
The corridor has an unusual shape – its walls are diagonal. Its functionality is small, but the area is also small. And otherwise a very good option.
Several variants of repair of one-room apartments with the use of the described techniques can be seen here. And the repair of two-room (with real photos) are described in this article.
Redevelopment of 3 x room khrushchevka
Redesign of a three-room apartment in the Khrushchevka series II-57.3.2. The worst thing in this variant is the meager size of the toilet and bathroom. Mainly to correct the situation and started the repair. For redevelopment removed partitions between the toilet and bathroom, adjacent part of the corridor walled off the wall, which made doors. Since in the area where the corridor used to be, the waterproofing of the floor is worse, additional measures are required in this area.
The second weak point of the original layout: there is nowhere to put a closet. In the occupied for the bathroom section of the corridor was a small wall closet, but it was very small. In this regard, it was decided to move the wall of one of the bedrooms, and in the vacated space to make a closet.
In order to unite the kitchen and living room, a part of the wall was destroyed. According to the project, it was necessary to reinforce the adjacent load-bearing walls and the floor slab. Since the stove in the kitchen is a gas stove, doors were needed. Sliding doors were installed.
The next variant of repair was conceived to increase the area of bathrooms, as well as to turn one of the rooms into a living-dining room with access to the kitchen. In parallel, it is required to get two bedrooms.
Were dismantled partitions between the toilet and the bathroom, part of the corridor goes to the bathroom. To organize a normal hallway space, the wall of one of the rooms is moved a little. In the kitchen make an entrance from the living room, on the opposite wall made the entrance to the second bedroom, and the door block, which previously led to the second bedroom dismantled, the aperture is sealed. Read about the design of arches here.
Another option. The main task, which is solved by the redesign of the Khrushchevka is to increase the area of the kitchen and bathroom. The solution for the bathroom is traditional – removed partitions, also leveled the wall. The small kitchen is united with the dining room. It even has a place for a rest group – a sofa and a TV.
Another task has been solved: the passageway rooms are divided. It happened by reducing the area, but the rooms became more functional, and in the enclosed areas made two dressing rooms.
If you are thinking about removing the partition between the kitchen and the room, you can read about the design of the combined kitchen and living room here.
Remodeling 4 x room khrushchevka
When increasing the number of rooms in apartments of this layout, the shortcomings are only aggravated: a small bathroom and kitchen does not become larger, the rooms are often – passable. One of the most unfortunate variants in the photo below. This is what was “BEFORE” that.
In this apartment, the hallway is relatively large in area, but it is little functional. The only corner with decent walls is occupied by a pantry. It is problematic to use all the other walls: 7 doors open into the hallway.
In the proposed variant, the rooms have a more correct shape – closer to the square, which is easier to use. Two separate bedrooms remain, and two rooms are turned into a dining room and a living room. From the hallway there is an entrance to the dressing room.
The bathroom remains separate, the area of the bathroom has been increased by straightening the wall. The part that used to belong to the corridor also requires waterproofing.
I’ve seen some amazing transformations of Khrushchevki! A friend turned theirs into a cozy haven, maximizing space with clever design. The before-and-after photos were jaw-dropping! Simple tweaks like better lighting and open layouts made such a difference. Totally inspiring to see what’s possible!