اختبار ضغط نظام التدفئة وإمدادات المياه

To ensure that the heating system does not fail at the most stressful moment, the heating season passed without problems, it is necessary to periodically check the condition…

كيفية إنهاء الموقد: الجص والبلاط والحجر

A fireplace in the house or at the cottage is a place of attraction for the whole family. It is understandable that you want it to be beautiful,…

كيف تصنع التدفئة في منزل خاص بيديك

In our country it is unlikely to survive without heating – the winters are too harsh. If apartment owners do not have to choose – what they have,…

أنظمة التوصيل المحتملة لمشعات التدفئة

To keep the house warm, it is important to design the heating scheme correctly. One of the components of its efficiency is the connection of heating radiators. No…

تركيب مشعات التدفئة وتوصيلها بيديك

Installing or renovating a heating system involves installing or replacing heating devices. The good news is that, if desired, you can do it with your own hands without…

How to choose a heater for apartments and summer houses

Winter in our country sometimes throws up surprises in the form of abnormal cold weather. Such that even a normally working central heating system fails to cope and…

Thermostat for heating batteries

Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the temperature in each particular room. This can be done by installing a thermostat for the radiator. This is a small device…

عداد الطاقة الحرارية - قواعد التركيب وأنواعه

Heating bills have become more and more frightening in recent years and it is very desirable to reduce them. Perhaps, at the moment the only way to save…

اختيار غلاية الغاز ذات الدائرتين

Today, gas heating is still the cheapest. Therefore, if there is a main gas pipeline nearby and technical possibilities, it makes sense to install a two-circuit gas boiler….

خزان التمدد لأنظمة التدفئة

Heating is the key life-support system of a private house and its stable operation is very important. One of the parameters to be monitored is the pressure. If…
