Curtains are one of the components of the interior design of any room. In addition to the fact that they have a functional load – to cover from the sun and from prying eyes – they are, to a large extent, responsible for the overall impression. Even the most exquisite interior can be spoiled by poorly chosen curtains. Therefore, curtains for the living room choose based on several criteria. First, the style, and secondly, the color scheme.
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First of all, you need to decide on the color scheme and the type of fabric. For drapes, you need to choose the following parameters:
- determine the density of the fabric: very dense heavy fabric to take, or a lighter, flowing;
- type of coloring – smoothly dyed or with a pattern;
- the texture of the fabric – the surface is matte or shiny, or maybe alternating stripes of both textures.
According to a similar scheme pick up and curtains. One moment: if the curtains want lace – a novelty of this season – more appropriate will be drapes smoothly colored or with elements of the same pattern, but present in the form of a border or border.
By color curtains for the living room are chosen based on the general character of the design. If the overall design of the living room turned out to be very calm, you can make an emphasis on the window: drapes or curtains to make brighter, and in the interior add a couple of small things of the same color. This will help to revitalize the overall picture and give a different sound.
If you need to highlight, say, a recreation area, then the window is decorated in the same colors as the walls, maybe a little playing with shades: darker-lighter, looking at the situation.
Curtains in the living room of different styles
There are many types of curtains – classic – with lambrequins and without, Austrian, French, Japanese, Roman, roller. At the same time, classic ones can be hung on hooks, eyelets (rings in the fabric), loops. All of them have their differences and the view of the window change perceptibly, because of which each of the styles of design fits only some of the listed.
Modern style – Art Nouveau
The current rhythm of life dictates us and design styles – the less details, the better: it is not easy to carve out time for cleaning, and somehow too pastoral looks classic. In any case, in city apartments try to get away from a large number of frills and draperies: dust will be collected less.
In the living rooms of modern interiors look good classic curtains – curtains and drapes. Only exactly without lambeken, garters and other ways of draping. Lines are straight and clear, fabrics – without gloss or with a slightly noticeable, similar to the shine of silk, glow.
You can fit into such an environment and a novelty of the last year – thread curtains. They can go “second layer” on the main fabric.
Not bad looking Japanese curtains. These are absolutely even cloths of small width. They are ideal for small rooms. Can be, as in the first photo, two-color or have more shades or pattern – floral or graphic – you choose according to the situation.
If desired, you can hang on the window and roll or Roman models – there are many variations in style. If you like this combination – please. It looks really modern.
Minimalism and hi-tech
Styles have significant differences, but when decorating windows the same models are used: straight, even. Fabrics – monochrome, without drawings or with clear graphics, it is possible to use photo printing.
This is primarily used classic curtains on eyelets. They are made of fabric with a more or less pronounced shine, which emphasizes the geometry of the folds: they are all at such a suspension even and identical.
As a rule, bright shine is attached to high-tech, more muted – more often found in minimalism, but there is no rigid rule.
Interesting combinations of two types of curtains. For example, Japanese and classic, and in both variations. The first photo shows the design of a panoramic window in the living room. Curtains – Japanese type, of light transparent veil of white color, drapes of classic design of dense brown fabric.
More strictly looks the reverse combination – ordinary curtains made of organza with a small number of folds and absolutely smooth Japanese drapes of tender-salad color. The same shade is in the textile, a little lighter – on the ceiling.
With minimalism and hi-tech are combined and roller and Roman curtains. Fabrics – monochrome, you can with a metallized cast.
Curtains for living room in the classical style
Already from the name of the style is clear that exactly fit classic models. But what kind – choose you. After all, the classics can also be different – in the Empire or Rococo style – go lush expensive fabrics with a bright shine and abundant draperies, both on the sides and in the upper part.
English classics – requires a completely different window decoration. The same models can be used, but the fabrics are more suitable matte, lying heavy folds – on eyelets.
For a living room in the classic style, French curtains are also suitable. They may be too grand and not quite practical, but they look chic and give a certain romanticism.
The model in the photo is made of organza, which has a golden cast. It repeats almost exactly the gilding on the furniture. Such a model requires large windows and a room of a decent area, with high ceilings: abundant draperies only look like this.
Another option for this style is Austrian. This is also drapery, and similar to the French, but not on the entire surface, but only on the part – at the top or bottom
They look great in a bay window, will look good on a panoramic window. Draping can be done at the top, and also not only on curtains, but also on drapes.