Induction hobs have a number of undeniable advantages. Thanks to their unique technology, they use electricity economically – without wasting unnecessary heat into the environment. However, not every pot and pan is suitable for this application. The crux of the problem lies in the technology itself, with which economical heating is realized. To understand what cookware is suitable for induction stove (IP), you need to devote some time to the theoretical part. This will help you choose the right cooking utensils.
Why you need special cookware for the induction stove
An ordinary electric stove works on a simple principle. It contains heating elements that are heated to a certain temperature set by a mechanical or electronic control system. When the bottom of the cookware is sufficiently heated, the heat energy is transferred to the cooked products. Gas stoves work on the same principle, except that the heating element is an open flame.
This leads to heating not only the effective part of the cookware, but also the stove itself, as well as the surrounding air, which is especially felt in summer.
There are no heating elements in an induction cooker.
The principle of operation of the induction cooking surface is significantly different, as a more advanced physical process is in motion. It proceeds according to the following algorithm:
- The controller activates a special induction coil located under the glass surface of the cooktop.
- A high-frequency alternating current flows through the coil – with a frequency of 40-60 thousand Hertz.
- The current creates a magnetic field affecting magnetic materials at a small distance, but sufficient for interaction between the induction coil and the bottom of the cookware. The glass covering the surface is not an obstacle.
- Heating occurs due to eddy currents (Foucault currents) in the metal structure of the cookware.
- Once heated, the bottom material gives the temperature resulting from this process to the food.
This phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction. It gave the name to a whole category of stoves that work on this principle. However, induction stoves can not work with certain types of cookware.
The metal of the cookware must have ferromagnetic properties in order to interact with eddy currents.
An induction stove is guaranteed to work with cookware that is magnetized by a conventional magnet. In some cases, stainless steel cookware is suitable.
Accordingly, the stove will not work with cookware made of the following pure materials (without a steel disk in the bottom and without “magnetizing” impurities in the metal):
- ガラス
- Ceramics
- Aluminum
- Copper
The video below shows how the Midea MC-IN2102 induction tabletop stove behaves with cookware made of different materials.
It is worth knowing that induction cooking surfaces are as safe as possible, because if you turn on one of them without cookware, the automation will turn it off. During cooking, heating depends on the temperature of the bottom of the cookware, and around the burner, is determined by the thermal conductivity of the glass. By placing napkins under the bottom of the pan and around the pan when cooking, you can further reduce the heat of the pan glass. This property can be especially valuable in homes with small children.
As mentioned above, some versions of stainless steel, especially those produced in the USSR, will not be suitable for working with the stove, since such metal alloys do not have ferromagnetic properties, although they have a number of other advantages. To determine whether a particular cookware is suitable for working with an induction cooker, you need to pay attention to the markings of the cookware.
Marking of cookware for IP
To determine whether some cookware can cook food on an induction stove or not, you need to look at the bottom of the container. Manufacturers try to make indelible markings, on which there is a spiral or a magnet. The presence of such markings guarantees full compatibility with induction cooktops. Some of the manufacturers went even further and complete their products with a small piece of magnet, which allows you to make sure before buying in the presence of the necessary properties.
You can take a magnet with you to the store, with which you will check the options you like. It is worth remembering that even a weak attraction, which is not enough to reliably fix the magnet, indicates full compatibility with the induction stove.
How cookware for induction cookers differs
It is quite difficult to determine whether the cookware is adapted for the induction hob. Of course, there are a few signs indicating this – you can see a thickened bottom or through the glass you can see a disk in the bottom. The main difference between cookware for induction cookers is the weight.
In steel cookware designed for electric or gas stoves, the thickness of the metal is 0.5-1 mm. Such products are light and the thickness of the bottom is not enough for proper cooking on the induction plate. Uneven heating can lead to sticking in some places food.
A pot or pan designed for the hob has a thickened bottom and will therefore always be heavier. This is true for both aluminum and copper utensils. The extra weight is created by the steel disk in the bottom.
Another difference in IP cookware is the flat base. In a stamped enameled steel pan, the bottom can be convex. This also leads to uneven heating of food and is not suitable for cooking on the IP.
What cookware is suitable for induction cooker – materials
There are several varieties of cookware that can be used for cooking on induction stoves. Some of them have such properties due to their own metal, interacting with eddy currents. Other products for induction are equipped with a special metal layer in the area of the bottom.
Pots made of stainless steel
Cookware made of stainless steel with magnetic properties has a number of positive qualities that affect the food cooked in it. Among them stand out the following:
- relatively light weight;
- マットな表面や光沢のある表面を作るなど、デザインを試すことができる;
- 酸化がないため、天然の酸を多く含む特定の食品を含め、食品を長時間保存することができる。
Cast iron
- 壁が厚いため調理中の保温性が高く、鍋やフライパンの表面に均等に熱を行き渡らせることができる;
- 鋳鉄はかなり耐久性のある金属で、こびりついた食べかすの研磨剤による洗浄を恐れない;
- 耐久性もある;
- わざと焦がそうとしなければ、鋳鉄製の調理器具で食材が焦げることはほとんどない;
- 素材の高い環境適合性。
- 形、サイズ、色の豊富な品揃え;
- 他の選択肢に比べ、リーズナブルなコストである;
- 高い強度と耐久性;
- 特別なお手入れは必要なく、エナメルコーティングに跡が残らないような方法でクリーニングできます。
Glass, aluminum and copper
What cookware is better for cooking on the IP
- ラベリングや磁気特性の有無により、互換性を確認する。
- 底の厚さは2ミリ以上が望ましい。たとえ磁力があっても底が薄すぎると、加熱ムラができて調理に大きな支障をきたすので、置いておくしかない。
- 最適なのは、壁の高さに対して底の幅が最大になる調理器具である。このような器具では、加熱がより速く行われる。
- 長い間市場で実績を上げ、耐用年数が長く、信頼性の高い食器を提供できるメーカーだけを選ぼう。
Rating of manufacturers of cookware for IP
- フィスラー.このドイツのメーカーは、先進技術を駆使した革新的な製品を生み出すことに努めている。そのため、彼が開発した鍋やフライパンには、加熱インジケーターや温度センサーなどの技術革新が施されている。
ドイツのフィスラー社のIHコンロ用調理器具 - ツヴィリング J. A. ヘンケルス.このマークが付いた調理器具は、プロの料理人の間で高く評価されているが、高級品に属するため、それ相応の価格もする。
- ザヌシ.イタリア人はこのブランドで、家庭用電化製品だけでなく、IHコンロと互換性のあるあらゆる種類の高品質調理器具を含む付属品も生産している。
- コッホスター.最も均一な熱分布を達成するために努力するもう一つのドイツのメーカー。この用途では、底面と表面の多層構造。
- ストウブ.フランスを代表するブランド。このブランドの選択は、品質と実用性、そして魅力的なデザインを兼ね備えている。
- ウール.このブランドの製品は、壁と底がかなり厚いのが特徴だ。ヴォルのフライパンの中には、厚さが10mmに達するモデルもあり、食材を均等に温めるだけでなく、蓄積された熱エネルギーを長時間保つことができる。
Is it possible to cook on an induction hob in conventional cookware?
Adapter for induction stove
How to cook properly on an induction cooker
In special cookware
With an adapter
Cookware care
- 調理器具は調理後、食材の残りカスが壁に乾く前に洗う。
- 食材をかき混ぜるには木べらを使う。
- 温度に注意しましょう。空の調理器具を加熱しすぎると、底が変形したり、ノンスティックコーティングが焦げたりします。
- 購入後の鋳鉄製品は、植物油で焼成するのがよい。
- 研磨力の強い洗剤は、食器に傷をつける可能性があるので注意すること。
- 説明書を読むこと。多くのタイプは食器洗い機で洗える。