Caractéristiques de l'aménagement de la salle de bains 2-3 mètres carrés

Caractéristiques de l'aménagement de la salle de bains 2-3 mètres carrés

Not everyone can boast of a large-sized bathroom. Very many people live in old houses, and there all the technical rooms are frankly small. Because it is necessary to design a bathroom 2 meters to make difficult: you need to install all the necessary plumbing and furniture and all this should be comfortable and beautiful.

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The main thing – color and light

When developing the design of a bathroom with an area of 2-3 square meters should start with the choice of color palette and the development of lighting scheme. After all, it is color and lighting very much affect our perception. To make a small room seem larger, it should be decorated in light colors. The color can be any, but the shade – very light.

Most often warm shades of white are used – creamy, cream, etc. A very interesting effect gives a tile with a metallized coating. Pearlescent surface creates an additional volume.

Add color so the bathroom doesn't look like an operating room
Add color so that the bathroom does not look like an operating room

So that the bathroom does not look too sterile, the light color is diluted with bright elements. There are several options – a border of darker tiles, dark lower part of the wall (approximately – the lower third). If the lower part of the wall is dark, the floor is the same color or very close, if you can not find a tile of the same tone.

A more modern option – accents. Dark can be made one wall, several vertical strips of different widths, and they are distributed unevenly over the area, creating asymmetry. This technique will help to correct the non-ideal geometry, if present.

Bathroom design 2 meters can in modern style
Bathroom design 2 meters can in a modern style

To further push the boundaries, there should be a lot of light. Following the latest trends, it is usually built-in ceiling lights. For such an area, the norms require one bulb of medium power, but it is better to put two or even more, and even – backlighting near the mirror.

Selection of sanitary ware and its placement

In the bathroom with an area of two square meters is usually installed non-standard and / or small-sized plumbing. If there is room for furniture, it is usually custom-made. The dimensions are very modest, and ready-made copies are not to be found.

Standard solutions will not do the trick.
Standard solutions can not do here

Shower cabin

First of all, you need to decide whether to design a bathroom 2 meters should be designed with a bathtub or a shower cabin. If you rarely take a bath, it is worth installing or making a shower cabin. In this case, it is better to make, since ready-made, even the smallest, are too bulky and take up most of the available space. Homemade shower cabin is a shower tray, made of brick and finished with tiles (mosaic) or ready made of acrylic or steel, to which are attached doors or just a curtain for the shower.

Different shower cubicle options for small bathrooms
Different variants of shower cabins for the bathroom of a small area

Doors of the shower cabin muchozhnozhno install folding plastic (accordion type). When closed, they take up almost no space. You can also install glass roll-down, but it is an expensive option with complex installation. Glass swinging ones will be cheaper, but it is necessary to calculate the dimensions well – so that they do not touch the walls and it was convenient to use them.

If you decide to put a ready-made shower cabin, only a corner cabin of small size will fit in such a room. In the remaining free space you can install only a small sink.


If you can not do without a bathtub, there are several options. The first is to put the bathtub opposite the entrance, choosing the size from wall to wall. This will leave some free space in front of the bathtub. In this space you can fit a small sink. And it can be installed so that it is fully or partially above the bathtub. If the sink is placed in the area where the mixer is installed,

Wall-to-wall bathtub, sinks in the remaining space.
Bathtub from wall to wall, and the remaining space is the sink

If the bathroom door is located asymmetrically – closer to one wall, you can find a bathtub of non-standard shape and size, which will fit into a wide partition. It can be narrower on one side and wider on the other. In this way, the area will be rationally used without compromising on the convenience of using the bathroom. In this arrangement, the sink and mirror are located opposite the door, which visually makes the room more spacious.

The two square meter bathroom uses mostly non-standard plumbing fixtures
In the bathroom with an area of two square meters is used mainly non-standard plumbing equipment

Another option is the installation of a sitting bathtub. In them it will not be possible to stretch out in full height, but relaxation with a sitting position – also not bad. In this case, you can find a place to install a small washing machine – under the sink.


The design of the bathroom 2 meters with a toilet bowl is even more extreme. After all, you need to find a place to install another object, which is difficult on such an area. It is desirable to put toilets with installation (suspended) they do not look so bulky, although the installation is somewhat more complicated and the price is higher. But they take up less space, which in this case is a priority.

One of the solutions in the photo above is to move the sink to the side of the bathtub, in the vacated place to put a sanitary bowl. This option is suitable for narrow and long rooms. If the walls are approximately equal length, in the corner still put a small corner bathtub or shower cubicle, and on the vaulted areas on the walls – sink and toilet bowl.

Location of the toilet in a 2 square meter square bathroom.
Location of the toilet bowl in a square bathroom with an area of 2 square meters. m.

There are few options at all – only to move from one corner to another and change places, which is understandable with such dimensions.

Washing machine – looking for a place for installation

We can not do without an automatic washing machine, so in any, even a very small apartment looking for a place for it. Sometimes the only way out is to put it in the bathroom, even if it is so small. For such purposes, there are even special sinks that are installed above the machine. Many are even sold in pairs – so that you do not have to look for and pick up the size.

The use of special plumbing fixtures saves space
The use of special plumbing allows you to save space

Only in this variant, you can fit on two squares of space and the machine, and the toilet, bathtub with a sink. Unless you find a model that is hung on the wall above the toilet, but this is an expensive exotic.

Unconventional options for placing the washing machine in the bathroom
Non-standard options for placing the washing machine in the bathroom

As an option – arrange above the same toilet bowl shelf on powerful holders and on it to install the equipment. Save space, but you will need a model with good stabilization – so that it does not jump when spinning.

Not the most fun option, but the most obvious one
Not the most cheerful option, but the most obvious one

The design of the bathroom 2 meters without a toilet, but with a washing machine is no different: a bathtub or shower cabin, on the vacant spots of the washbasin and machine. At least there are different formats of appliances: narrow and high or small depth. In general, you can choose the size you need.


No matter how small the bathroom is, it still has at least some furniture: you need to store creams, shampoos, household chemicals somewhere. The most common option – a cabinet under the sink and a mirror with shelves on the sides. Often this set is enough to arrange everything you need.

Cabinet under the sink and a mirror with shelves above it
A cabinet under the sink and a mirror with shelves above it

There are other options. If you have found a place for the toilet or washing machine, above them “walks” a good piece of space. It can be occupied by making the size of the cabinet.

In such an area, every centimeter must be put to good use
On such an area, every centimeter should be useful

Another idea is shelves under the ceiling. They can be open or closed (with doors). You can store there the stocks of household chemicals, towels, etc.

Even the smallest free spaces can be used for shelves. There is not a lot of them – there is still something to put.

Design tricks

Developing the design of the bathroom 2 meters you can apply some tricks that will visually make the room larger. Two principles you already know – the abundance of light and the prevailing light shades.

Tiles come with two types of surface – matte and glossy. Glossy, due to the play of glare, makes the room brighter and more spacious, but can resemble an operating room. The room finished with matte tiles or other materials looks more cozy. Also, do not choose tiles of large size. Medium or small in this case is better, as large fragments will only emphasize the small size. In this regard, mosaic with a shiny surface is ideal. Due to its texture, it looks very good.

Mosaic is a great choice
Mosaics are an excellent choice

Visually increase the volume can be visually increased through the use of mirrors. It is desirable to place it opposite the door and stretch over the whole or almost the whole wall. Then the effect will be maximized. Often this is the starting point when planning the interior of the bathroom: the mirror should be opposite the entrance, and then arrange and select everything else.

If you decide to make shelves or put partitions enclosing the bathtub or shower cabin, make them of tempered glass. They are practically invisible, and they fulfill their functions. Any other shelves and partitions will “load” the interior, turning a small room into a box.

Glass partitions and sanitary ware
Glass partitions and sanitary ware

Another way to “unload” the interior and give it a zest – use a glass sink. It does not give the impression of massiveness, although in size they are the same as porcelain and faience, and sometimes – even more.

Photos of interiors for inspiration

Sometimes in the head there is no way to form a picture of how, in what color everything can be decorated. Because of the small area of the design of the bathroom 2 meters is even more difficult – less options to correct the error in some miscalculation. Help in this “mountain” can only visualization – a visual image.

The perfect selection of tiles and fixtures. This is a 7 square meter bathroom
Ideal selection of tiles and sanitary ware. This is a bathroom with an area of 2.7 squares
Backlighting and the play of glare on glossy tiles make the room look larger
Due to backlighting and the play of glare on glossy tiles, the room looks bigger.
Space saving shower cubicle with tiled shower tray
Space-saving shower cubicle with tile tray.
If partitions - of glass or transparent polycarbonate
If partitions are made of glass or transparent polycarbonate.
Example of planning and layout of tiles in a modern style - a combination of several types in one color scheme
Example of planning and layout of tiles in modern style – a combination of several types in one color scheme
Economy option - shower curtains
An economical option – shower curtains. The walls, by the way, can be painted
Black and white is always a winner, but the style is very different: vertical stripes are visually
Black and white gamma always wins, but the style is very different: vertical stripes visually “raise” the ceilings
Acrylic bathtubs are good because there are they come in different shapes and sizes
Acrylic bathtubs are good that there are they are different shapes and sizes
A green mosaic wall in a small bathroom refreshes the decor
Green mosaic wall in a small bathroom refreshes the interior
Glossy tile expands the space due to glare
Glossy tiles due to the glare expands the space
Commentaires: 6
  1. Norah Lake

    I totally get the struggle of fitting everything in a small bathroom! When I remodeled mine, I added smart storage and a corner sink. Made a huge difference! Using light colors really helped it feel bigger too. Small spaces can be tricky, but with some creativity, they can rock!

    1. Edith Campbell

      Totally feel you on that! When I revamped my tiny bathroom, I snagged a shelf above the toilet and went for some sleek mirrors. Made it feel way roomier. It’s all about those clever hacks! Light colors are a game-changer too. Small but mighty!

    2. Yolanda Reid

      Totally feel you! When I revamped my tiny bathroom, I went for wall shelves and a small tub. It opened up the space so much! Light colors worked wonders too—made it feel so airy. It’s amazing what a little creativity can do in cramped spots!

    3. Deacon

      Totally feel you! When I tackled my tiny bathroom, I went with floating shelves and a round mirror to save space. Made it feel so open! Light colors really opened things up too. It’s wild how a few tweaks can change the vibe completely!

  2. Diana Haynes

    I once revamped my tiny bathroom, just 2 square meters! I chose a wall-mounted sink to save space and added mirrors to make it feel bigger. Using light colors really brightened it up too. It’s amazing how a little creativity can transform a small area!

  3. Sienna

    Sienna here! I recently revamped my tiny bathroom, and it was a game-changer. Using lighter tiles made it feel so spacious. Plus, I added clever storage to keep things organized. Seriously, every inch counts! Love that I can shower and not feel cramped! Great tips in the article!

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