Chameleon welding masks are so named because the light filter automatically changes the degree of dimming depending on the intensity of the light flux. This is much more convenient than a conventional shield or an older type of mask with a replaceable filter. But the vast selection of differently priced copies can put you in a deadlock: what is the difference and which one is better? How to choose a mask “chameleon”, we will tell you below.
Putting on a “chameleon” mask, you can see everything well even before welding: the filter is almost transparent and does not interfere with your work. When the arc is ignited, it darkens in a fraction of a second, protecting your eyes from burns. After the arc is extinguished, it becomes transparent again. You can perform all necessary manipulations without removing the mask, which is much more convenient than raising and lowering the shield, and certainly much better than holding the shield in your hand.
Artiklens indhold
Light filter in the chameleon: what is it and what is better
That small glass, which is installed on the welding mask is a true miracle of science and technology. It contains the latest achievements in optics, microelectronics, in the field of liquid crystals and solar energy. That’s what “glass” is. In fact, it is a whole multi-layer pie, which consists of the following elements:
The main and main advantage of the welding mask-chameleon is that even if it has not had time to work, ultraviolet and infrared radiation it will not miss (if the mask was lowered). And the degree of protection from these harmful effects does not depend on the settings. In any case and at any settings you are protected from these types of harmful effects.
But this is only if there are appropriate filters in the “pie” and they are of proper quality. Since it is impossible to check this without special devices, we have to rely on certificates. And they masks must be mandatory. And on the territory of Russia can issue them only two centers: VNIIS and FGBU at the All-Russian Research Institute of Labor Protection and Economics. To be sure that the certificate is genuine, its number can be found on the official website of the federal service Rosakkredditatsiya here at this link.
In the appropriate field enter the certificate number and get the date of validity, information about the applicant, manufacturer. A small note: the abbreviation PPEOD stands for “means of individual protection of optical action”. This is the name of the welder’s mask in bureaucratic language.
The most important thing is that you are convinced that this product (compare, by the way, and the name and model) is safe for your health.
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Classification of automatic welding light filters
Since the light filter and its quality is the key element in this product, then the choice of a chameleon mask should start with it. All its indicators are classified according to the EN379 standard and must be displayed on its surface through a fraction.
Now more details about what lies behind these numbers and what they should be. In each of the positions can stand a number from 1, 2, 3. Accordingly, “1” – the best option – the first class, “3” – the worst – the third class.Now about which position displays which characteristic and what it means.
Optical class
It reflects how clearly and without distortion you will see the picture through the light filter. It depends on the quality of the protective glass (film) used and the quality of assembly. If the first place is “1”, distortion will be minimal. If the values are higher, you will see everything as through a crooked glass.
Light diffusion
Depends on the purity and quality of the optical crystals used. Indicates the degree of “turbidity” of the transmitted picture. It can be compared to a wet automobile glass: while there are no oncoming traffic, the drops do not interfere. As soon as a light source appears, everything becomes blurred. To avoid this effect, it is necessary to have a “1” on the second position.
Homogeneity or homogeneity
Indicates how evenly the filter is shaded in different parts. If the third position has a one, the difference can be no more than 0.1 DIN, 2 – 0.2 DIN, 3 – 0.3 DIN. It is clear that it will be more comfortable with uniform shading.
Angle dependence
Reflects the dependence of dimming on the viewing angle. Here, too, the best value is “1” – the first class changes the dimming by no more than 1 DIN, the second – by 2 DIN and the third – by 3DIN.
From all this it is clear that the more units in the characteristic of the light filter, the more comfortable you will work in the mask. This is what you should be guided by when choosing a welding mask chameleon. Professionals prefer at least these parameters 1/1/1/2. Such masks are expensive, but even with prolonged work in them do not tire the eyes.
Amateur welders, to work from time to time, you can get by with simpler light filters, but the 3rd class is considered “the last century”. That is why it is probably not worth buying masks with such filters.
And one more point. Sellers usually call all this classification by one term “Optical Class”. Simply this wording accurately reflects the essence of all the characteristics.
There are a few more chameleon settings that allow you to adjust the dimming mode for a given situation. They can be located inside, on the light filter, or they can be placed outside in the form of knobs on the left side of the mask. These are the following settings:
- Blackout Adjustment. Allows you to change the current dimming level. You can make it lighter/darker without taking your eyes off if the knob is on the outside. If it is on the inside, you will need to stop, remove the mask and twist the control. For non-professionals this is normal: they don’t need to work out. But the pros don’t always like external adjusters either: they can get caught on something.
The regulators themselves can be in the form of switches, wheels, can be made in the form of touch switches - Sensitivity adjustment. It is located inside the mask, on the filter. With its help you can set what the filter will trigger on: only on the arc, or also on bright light sources. If you work indoors, the sensitivity can be set high: the filter will darken when the arc occurs. Since there are no other variable light sources, it will not twitch. Outdoors at high sensitivity it may trigger on sun glare. So here you will have to reduce sensitivity.
- Delay of mask illumination. It is necessary for eyes not to receive a light shock from the hot metal after welding. If there is no delay, the filter becomes lighter at once and the bright glow of the weld pool hits your eyes. This is not dangerous or fatal, but it is unpleasant. The delay of dimming allows to “push back” for some time the moment of filter luminescence. Also this delay does not allow the filter to brighten if you are welding with arc breakage or with electrode sticking. So the adjustment is necessary.
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Chameleon mask how to choose
In addition to the parameters of the light filter, there are a lot of other settings and features that can affect the choice.
- The number of arc detection sensors. They can be 2, 3 or 4. They react to the appearance of an arc. Visually, they can be seen on the front panel of the mask. These are small round or square “windows” on the surface of the filter. For amateur use is enough 2 pieces, for professionals – the more, the better: if some will be blocked (blocked by some object when welding in a difficult position), the rest will react.
Arc sensors are visible to the naked eye - Speed of light filter response. The range of parameters here is large – from tens to hundreds of microseconds. Choosing a mask for home welding, drill the one whose chameleon will darken no later than 100 microseconds. For professionals, the time is shorter: 50 microseconds. We sometimes don’t notice light strikes, but their result is tired eyes, and professionals need them all day long. So the requirements are tougher.
- Filter size. The larger the glass, the more visibility you get. But the size of the light filter is strongly reflected in the cost of the mask.
- Smooth or stepped adjustment of the degree of darkening. Smooth is better. If the filter will be darkened/clearer in leaps and bounds, you will get tired quickly. Besides, it may start “blinking” from glare, which will not please you.
- Initial degree of darkening and adjustment range. The lighter the filter in the initial state, the better you will see before welding. It is also desirable to have two dimming ranges: up to small degrees up to 8 DIN when working with argon or for manual arc welding in low light conditions. Also a smaller dimming may be needed for a person of age. For working with inverters at higher currents and in good light, dimming up to 13 DIN is needed. So it is better if there are two modes: 5-8DIN/8-13DIN.
- Power supply. On most welding masks with automatic dimming there are two types of power cells: solar panel and lithium batteries. This combined power source is the most reliable. However, the lithium battery compartment must be able to be opened to allow replacement of failed batteries. In some cheap masks batteries are integrated: they can be removed only by cutting the plastic (which sometimes our skillful people do).
One of the chameleon mask models. Here you can also see the mask position regulator on the head and the neck protection shield - Weight. Masks can weigh from 0.8 kg to 3 kg. If you have to wear a three-kilogram weight on your head for seven or eight hours, by the end of the shift your neck and head will be as wooden. For amateur welding this parameter is not very critical, although it is not comfortable to work in a heavy mask.
- Convenience of fastening on the head. There are two systems of fastening the headband and the shield itself, but for these masks they are almost unimportant: you do not need to raise/lower the mask every time. It can be lowered throughout the job. What matters is how many adjustments there are and how tightly they allow you to fit the headband. It is also important that all these straps do not press, do not rub, so that the welder is comfortable.
- At have en justering, der gør det muligt at flytte ansigtsskærmen væk fra ansigtet. Det er vigtigt, hvis du har brug for briller til normalt syn. Så skal skjoldet flyttes længere væk fra ansigtet for at passe til dine linser.
Blandt de nyttige, men valgfrie tilstande er der også mulighed for at skifte mac'en fra svejsetilstand til slibetilstand. Med denne kontakt slukker du faktisk for strømmen til lysfilteret, og din maske bliver en almindelig ansigtsskærm.
Om at vælge en svejsemaskine til hjemmet eller dacha, læs her. Og for at prøve den købte maske kan den bruges til fremstilling af en metalbrænder.
Brands and manufacturers
Hvordan man vælger en kamæleonmaske til svejsning, ved du, men hvordan navigerer man blandt de mange producenter? I virkeligheden er alt ikke særlig svært. Der er gennemprøvede mærker, der altid leverer kvalitetsprodukter og bekræfter deres garantiforpligtelser. Her er de ikke særlig mange:
- SPEEDGLAS fra Sverige;
- OPTREL fra Schweiz;
- BALDER fra Slovenien;
- OTOS fra Sydkorea;
- TECMEN fra Kina (bliv ikke overrasket, maskerne er virkelig gode).
Det er ikke let at vælge en kamæleonmaske til hjemmebrug. På den ene side skal den være af høj kvalitet, men det er tydeligvis ikke alle, der har råd til at betale 15-20.000 for den, og det er ikke rentabelt. Derfor er vi nødt til at glemme de europæiske producenter. De producerer i det mindste gode masker, men deres priser er ikke mindre end 70$.
På markedet er der mange kinesiske masker til meget lav pris. Men det er risikabelt at købe dem. Hvis du har brug for et gennemprøvet kinesisk mærke, er det TECMEN (Tekmen). De har virkelig certificerede kamæleonmasker af fabrikskvalitet. Modelområdet er ret bredt, priser - fra 3 tusind rubler til 13 tusind rubler. Der er med lysfiltre af første klasse (1/1/1/2) og lidt værre, med alle indstillinger og justeringer. Efter opgraderingen har selv den billigste maske til 3000 rubler (TECMEN DF-715S 9-13 TM8) et udskifteligt batteri, forsinkelse af oplysning fra 0,1 til 1 sek, jævn justering og driftstilstand "slibning". Billedet nedenfor viser dens specifikationer. Det er svært at tro, men den koster kun 2990 rubler.
Ikke dårligt gennemgået af ejere om svejsemasker Resanta. Der er ikke mange modeller, men MS-1, MS-2 og MS-3 er ikke et dårligt valg for en lille mængde penge (fra 2.000 rubler til 3.000 rubler).
Resanta-maskerne MS-1 og MS-3 har en jævn justering, som utvivlsomt er mere praktisk. Men i kamæleonen MS-1 er der ingen følsomhedsjustering. Det er usandsynligt, at professionelle vil være tilfredse med dem, men til hjemmebrug er de meget velegnede.
Meget gode masker produceres af det sydkoreanske firma OTOS (Otos). Priserne er lidt højere end dem, der er anført ovenfor, men der er to relativt billige modeller: OTOS MACH II (W-21VW) til 8700 rubler og ACE-W i45gw (Infotrack™) til 13690 rubler.
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Operation of the welding chameleon mask
Det vigtigste krav til pleje af masken: Lysfilteret skal passes på, det bliver let ridset. Derfor bør masken ikke placeres med forsiden nedad. Den bør kun tørres af med en helt ren og blød klud. Om nødvendigt kan du fugte kluden med rent vand. Tør ikke af med alkohol eller andre opløsningsmidler: Lysfilteret er dækket af en beskyttende film, som opløses i disse væsker.
Der er endnu en egenskab ved alle svejsekamæleoner: De begynder at "bremse" ved lave temperaturer. Det vil sige, at de fungerer med en forsinkelse og i begge retninger - både til mørklægning og lysning. Denne funktion er meget ubehagelig, så du kan ikke arbejde normalt i dem om vinteren, selv om driftstemperaturen er angivet fra -10 °C, som på TECMEN DF-715S 9-13 TM8. Allerede ved -5 °C kan alt ikke blive mørkt i tide. Så OTOS var mere ærlig i denne henseende og angav en startdriftstemperatur på -5 °C.
Se endelig videoen om, hvordan du vælger en kamæleonmaske til svejsning.